2017-2018 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog / Course Descriptions / COM-Communications / 300
Students will be introduced to the pervasiveness of persuasion in its various formats through history, such as advertising campaigns, political campaigns, professional and personal communications. Students will examine the ethical considerations of persuasion in various delivery methods. Students will debate the effects of persuasion in a diversity of contexts and explore whether the persuasion is straightforward, subliminal or covert. Students will discuss and debate how individuals and communities process persuasive messages and inventory current technologies that convey these messages. Participants will develop an appreciation of differences unlocking many avenues for expansion of brands and messages through various communication methods. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 quarter hours
This course prepares students to overcome the number one fear in America--public speaking. Students will learn about verbal and non-verbal messages, cultural conventions and vocabulary, and ethical guidelines for delivering messages. Students will evaluate the effectiveness of speaking strategies by presenting speeches and evaluating their peers. Students will compose practice-based recordings to develop cadence, confidence building and organizational skills for speech creation and delivery. The curriculum will introduce students to the various types of speeches and aims to reduce the anxiety of students when speaking publically by providing various techniques, delivery aides and hands-on practice. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH
Students will learn various communication processes in organizational structures that drive cooperation, success and failure of modern business. Students will explore the aspects of effective communications within organizations and analyze the interpersonal and cultural elements that give rise to potential conflict. Students will learn about the positive effects of conflict and how to manage the counterproductive aspects. Students will analyze organizational communication theory and appraise the ethical consideration necessary for success. Students will evaluate the increasing pervasiveness of technology and its role in shaping communications in the global marketplace. Students will identify the elements of a supportive organizational communications climate. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH