COM 204 Multigenerational Workforce Communication

Students will work in small groups and teams that span across multiple generations. Students will examine potential issues that generational differences, diversity, and relational trust may play in the workplace. Students will learn effective time and project management skills while practicing multi-generational team-building activities. Today’s workforce arguably includes the four following (soon-to-be five) different generations: Veterans (born before 1946), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1979), and Millennials (1980-2000). Course curriculum will evaluate the mode and the message in various communications strategies. Theory of group communications will be examined and applied while creating effective teams inside and outside of the classroom. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better of equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 SQH
