HSC - Human Services Core/Counseling

HSC 101 Introduction to Human Services

Exploration of the field of human services, including the impact and meaning of psychosocial and related difficulties to the individual and to society; the function of a variety of human service organizations; current trends and historical patterns of human service care; professional roles and ethical responsibilities. 5 quarter hours


HSC 102 Introduction to Applied Group Process

A study of formal and informal group dynamics, issues, and behaviors, directed to an understanding of group functioning and leadership; factors involved in group cohesion and group conflict, communication and intervention skills. 5 quarter hours Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 4 quarter hours


HSC 201 Principles and Dynamics of Interviewing

Examination of various techniques, goals, methods, model, and outcomes of interpersonal relationships. Focus on basic interviewing skills, information gathering, recording and assessment, and goal planning. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


HSC 203 Principles of Family Intervention

Examination of theories and dynamics of family change and issues of stabilization within that change. Emphasis on viewing the family as a whole system wherein change in one individual changes the family group and structure. Focus on identifying strategies of intervention as defined by family needs and structural change. Prerequisites: HSC 101, HSC 201, HSC 202, or permission of instructor. 5 quarter hours


HSC 305A Special Needs Populations A

This course examines circumstances in which some individual or family needs are most effectively met through means outside of the systematic norms due to disability or other situations. It emphasizes evaluation of services, coping strategies and resources. 3 Quarter Hours.


HSC 305B Special Needs Populations B

This course examines circumstances in which some individual or family needs are most effectively met through means outside of the systematic norms due to disability or other situations. It emphasizes evaluation of services, coping strategies and resources. 2 Quarter Hours.


HSC 310 Management/Administration of Health and Human Services Organizations

In-depth analysis of selected types of human service organizations in relation to origins, structure, and stability and change. Attention to various interrelated roles of agencies, clients, and professionals. Examination of organization-environment interface. Prerequisites: Junior standing, Practicum I and/or consent of instructor. 5 quarter hours


HSC 430 Fundamentals of Case Management

This course will introduce students to the ethics and skills necessary in case management. Topics will include: ethics; case management responsibilities; cultural competence; documentation and monitoring; as well as review basic written and verbal communication skills. An experiential component will provide practice opportunities. Prerequisite: Principles and Dynamics of Interviewing (HSC 201) or its equivalent. 5 Quarter Hours.


HSC 499 Seminar/Current Issues in Human Services

Seminar on current issues in the human services field, identifying trends, problems, paradoxes, and parameters in areas of the profession. Analysis, design, and implementation of solution will be a major focus. 1-6 quarter hours

1 TO 6

HSC 501 Fundamentals of Counseling

This course presents an overview of the theory, principles, techniques and methods essential in conducting an effective counseling interview. Specific skills, competencies, and concepts related to counseling interviews are studied, and an ongoing experiential component provides practice opportunities. In addition, there is a focus on self-awareness and insight, considered essential qualities the effective counselor. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Science in Counseling, either the School Counseling or Community Counseling Emphasis, or consent of the department. 3 semester hours


HSC 503 Counseling and Human Development in a Multicultural Society

An examination of theory, techniques, dynamics, and behaviors of counseling in a multicultural society. Emphasis is placed upon understanding the influences of one's own cultural background as well as critical issues of counseling persons of other cultures, ethnicity, race, and/or unique subcultural grouping. Prerequisite: HSC 501. 3 semester hours

3 OR 5

HSC 504 Clinical Techniques of Counseling

This course expands interviewing skills and techniques through extended practice sessions with one client, relevant readings, examination of case materials and written exercises. Prerequisites: HSC 501, HSC 510, or HSC 201. 3 semester hours


HSC 505 Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis

This course will provide an overview of the DSM IV and how it can be used for purposes of assessment and diagnosis of the individual client. The student will learn the characteristics of various personality disorders and how to assess these disorders within the parameters of the helping interview. Prerequisite(s): HSC 501, HSC 510. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSC 506 Introduction to Theory and Practice of Family Therapy

Exploration of theoretical models and concepts in the field of family therapy: Focus upon systemic change, dysfunction, and stages of family development. Family therapy approaches to whole families are presented theoretically and through simulation experiences. Prerequisite(s): HSC 501. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSC 510 Theories of Counseling

Theories of counseling and psychotherapy will be introduced and explored. Students will examine philosophical stance, therapeutic assumptions, and strategic interventions relative to the major schools of thought. Effective characteristics of helping relationships in a multicultural society will be explored. The relationship between counseling theories and evidence-based outcomes will be highlighted. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Science in Counseling, either the School Counseling or Community Counseling Emphasis, or consent of department. 3 semester hours


HSC 511 Professional Practice and Ethics in Human Services

This course is an orientation to the issues and ethics in the field of professional counseling. Students will learn about the different types of counseling settings including public schools and a variety of community agencies. Requirements for national certification and state licensing will be covered. The American Counseling Association's Standards of Care and Code of Ethics will be studied. Case samples of ethical decision-making, role plays, and personal reflection are emphasized. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Science in Counseling, either the School Counseling or Community Counseling Emphasis, or consent of the department. 3 semester hours


HSC 512 Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling

This course provides an overview of types of small groups, group dynamics, group leadership, group counseling theories, and techniques of group counseling. The course includes an experiential component. Prerequisite(s): HSC 501 and HSC 510. 3 semester hours


HSC 514 Counseling for Career Development

This course will present an overview of the concepts, theories, history, practices and techniques of career counseling through the life span. In addition the course will review the use of occupational classification systems, test and computers in career counseling, as well as counseling with special populations. An experiential component will provide practice opportunities. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 501. 3 semester hours


HSC 518 Couples Counseling

An overview of the theories and techniques which apply to couple counseling. Additional topics include: problems most often brought to marriage counselors, the marital life cycle, influence of the families of origin, clinical assessment and intervention and the impact of divorce and remarriage on family relationships. An experiential component provides practice counseling opportunities. A course in family therapy is recommended in addition to the required prerequisites. Prerequisite(s): HSC 501, HSC 510. 3 semester hours


HSC 524 Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling

This course will introduce students to clinical mental health counseling by familiarizing them with the roles of the clinical mental health counselor, program development, and clinical mental health counseling models and processes. Students will learn about counselors as changes agents, client advocates, outreach specialists, consultants, and preventative educators, and they will review the effects of public policy, managed care, and other social issues on counseling practice. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 501, HSC 510, HSC 511, HSC 512. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSC 533 Counseling Practicum

The Counseling Practicum class is a combination of individual and group supervision as students begin on-site placement. This course requires 100 hours of field placement in an approved setting, a minimum of 40 hours of direct student/client contact, over a minimum of a ten-week academic term, integrating knowledge and competencies developed in the counseling program. Students participate in program-appropriate audio/video recordings, live supervision of interactions with clients, critique other students' counseling skills sessions, write process notes, and develop a counseling approach specific to CACREP and NLU Counseling Program policy. Counselors-in-training are evaluated by the site supervisor and university practicum supervisor. Prerequisite(s): HSC 504, HSC 505, HSC 511, HSC 512, HSC 514, HSC 534 for School Counseling students or HSC 534 for Clinical Health Counseling students; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSC 534 School Counseling: Theory, Issues and Practice

This course is intended to develop knowledge and skills in the application of counseling theory and techniques in a school setting. Focus will be on a developmental counseling curriculum, academic program planning, motivation, consultation, collaboration, and referral. Current issues and practices will be included. Prerequisite(s): Department Program Approval and HSC 501, HSC 510, HSC 511. 3 semester hours


HSC 541 Trauma and Crisis Intervention Theory, Response Models and Techniques

This course will present counseling theories and approaches which effectively address crises and trauma. The course will examine the impact of trauma and crisis and potential neurobiological responses. Students will gain knowledge and skills useful in assessing and intervening in crises and explore the application of these skills in addressing specific situations such as: suicide, homicide, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, natural disasters and terrorism in both community and school settings. Self-care strategies will also be presented. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSC 542 Psychopharmacology for Counselors

This course provides an introduction to the basic neurobiology of psychopathology and how psychotropic medications treat such conditions. An understanding of the basic classifications, indications, and contraindications of commonly prescribed psychopharmacological medications will be identified. An emphasis is placed on the role of the counselor as a member of a treatment team who helps facilitate client treatment compliance and monitors the efficacy and side effect manifestations of psychotropic treatment, while helping to integrate that treatment with other nonpharmacological modalities. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSC 543 Introduction to Theory and Practice of Counseling Children and Adolescents

This course provides specialized knowledge and skills training in counseling individual children and adolescents through examination of theoretical, behavioral, and play therapy techniques. A strong emphasis will be on helping students understand how the developmental stages of children and adolescents relate to counseling approaches, appropriate assessments, and interventions. Throughout the course, the students will discuss the influence of multiculturalism on individual development, assessment, counseling interventions, and other contextual relationships. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSC 581 Counseling Internship I

Internship reflects the comprehensive work experience of a professional counselor in the student’s program area. The internship consists of 600 clock hours, with at least 240 direct service hours. HSC581 is the first segment of the internship experience. Students integrate classroom theory and learning with application of counseling skills. A qualified onsite supervisor provides one hour weekly, face-to-face supervision. Students also participate in a weekly supervisory seminar at National Louis with a counselor educator supervisor. Counselors-in-training are evaluated by the site supervisor and the university supervisor. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 533 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None 3 semester hours


HSC 582 Counseling Internship II

Internship reflects the comprehensive work experience of a professional counselor in the student’s program area. The internship consists of 600 clock hours, with at least 240 direct service hours. HSC582 is the second segment of the internship experience. Students integrate classroom theory and learning with application of counseling skills. A qualified onsite supervisor provides one hour weekly, face-to-face supervision. Students also participate in a weekly supervisory seminar at National Louis with a counselor educator supervisor. Counselors-in-training are evaluated by the site supervisor and the university supervisor. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 581 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None 3 semester hours