HSC 305A Special Needs Populations A

This course examines circumstances in which some individual or family needs are most effectively met through means outside of the systematic norms due to disability or other situations. It emphasizes evaluation of services, coping strategies and resources. 3 Quarter Hours.


HSC 305B Special Needs Populations B

This course examines circumstances in which some individual or family needs are most effectively met through means outside of the systematic norms due to disability or other situations. It emphasizes evaluation of services, coping strategies and resources. 2 Quarter Hours.


HSC 310 Management/Administration of Health and Human Services Organizations

In-depth analysis of selected types of human service organizations in relation to origins, structure, and stability and change. Attention to various interrelated roles of agencies, clients, and professionals. Examination of organization-environment interface. Prerequisites: Junior standing, Practicum I and/or consent of instructor. 5 quarter hours