Roles and Responsibilities


All parties may be accompanied by one (1) Advisor of their choice, and this individual can be selected at any stage in the grievance process. The Advisor may assist a party through the Title IX process, including providing support and guidance, but will not be allowed to interfere with the investigation of a complaint. The Advisor will have access to the investigative report and all collected evidence and is responsible for any cross-examination or questions during the hearing. If a party does not have an Advisor, one will be provided by the institution. The contact information for each advisor who will appear at a hearing needs to be provided to the Title IX Coordinator by the complainant or the respondent at least five business days prior to the start of the hearing.

Confidential Advisor

A Confidential Advisor is available as an additional resource to complainants to as an informed, supportive professional who can assist the complainant throughout the investigative and hearing processes. The Confidential Advisor can refer parties to resources or services for survivors of sexual misconduct as well as liase with on campus administrators and law enforcement. The Confidential Advisor is an available resource to the complainant with or without a formal complaint. A respondent also may have access to a Confidential Advisor upon request.

Formal Process Decision-Maker(s)

The hearing board members will operate as the formal process decision-makers and are responsible for facilitating the hearing following a formal complaint and investigation. The formal process decision-makers facilitate the hearing to ensure that each party’s Advisor has an opportunity to cross-examine and ask relevant questions and follow-up questions during a hearing. The formal process decision-makers hold sole authority to make determinations regarding whether a question is relevant. The formal process decision-makers are responsible for leading the hearing board during a hearing and deliberation and are responsible for issuing a written determination to both parties that includes findings, responsibility, rationale for the decision and sanctions. The hearing board members may designate one member of the hearing board to serve as a hearing administrator tasked with facilitating the conduct of the hearing and managing hearing procedures.

Appeal Officer

The Appeal Officer is responsible for reviewing all submitted appeals in accordance with the procedures outlined within this policy. The Appeal Officer will be an individual other than the Title IX Coordinator, investigator or formal process decision-maker(s).

Title IX Coordinator

The University’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the University’s compliance with federal and state laws and University policies and procedures regarding gender discrimination, harassment, relationship violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual misconduct. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for investigating all allegations of prohibited discrimination and harassment, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual misconduct, and provides training to recognize and prevent such incidents. The Title IX Coordinator also collaborates with other campus offices to encourage best practices to promote a culture of inclusion. The Title IX Coordinator is available to advise any individual, including the complainant and the respondent about University and community resources and reporting options and is available to provide assistance to any University employee regarding how to respond appropriately to a report of sexual misconduct or relationship violence. The Title IX Coordinator conducts the investigation of complaints alleging that University employees have engaged in conduct prohibited by this policy and other University policies that prohibit sexual harassment. The Title IX Coordinator also may delegate investigations to other appropriately trained NLU personnel or third-parties.

Contact Information

Danielle Laban, Title IX Coordinator • • (p/f) 312.261.3162

File an incident report at
