2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog / Course Descriptions / CAR - Career Development / 400
The interdisciplinary internship enables students to integrate and apply theory with experiential learning while working in a field related to their program. Students engage in supervised and structured experiences and must complete a structured experiences and must complete a coursework per quarter credit hour earned. The equates to 150 quarter hours in total for this course with a minimum of 100 internship hours completed within the term. Pre-requisite(s): Students may enroll in CAR 490 after completing 90 QH or following their Sophomore year and meet the following criteria: Have completed CAR 214 & CAR 217 or BRV 200 & BRV201 or CAR 202 & CAR 203; Secure an internship which meets all institutional requirements; Submit all required paperwork and if needed, obtain background checks prior to beginning the course; and Receive the approval of the Career Bridge and Receive the approval of the Career Bridge and Department Chair. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours