2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog / Degrees Offered
Baking and Pastry, A.A.S.
Culinary Arts, A.A.S.
Applied Behavioral Sciences, B.A.
Applied Educational Studies, B.A.
Communications, B.A.
Business Administration, B.A.
Computer Science and Information Systems, B.S.
Criminal Justice, B.A.
Culinary Arts, B.A.
Early Childhood Education, B.A.
Elementary Education, B.A.
Health Care Leadership, B.S.
Hospitality Management, B.A.
Human Services, B.A.
Human Services/Psychology, B.A.
Infant-Toddler Studies, B.A.
Management, B.S.
Psychology, B.A.
Applied Behavior Analysis, M.S.
Business Administration, M.B.A.
Clinical Psychology, M.A., Florida School of Professional Psychology
Clinical Psychology, M.A., Illinois School of Professional Psychology
Counseling, M.S.
Curriculum and Instruction with Advanced Professional Specializations, M.Ed.
Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship, M.S.
Early Childhood Administration, M.Ed.
Early Childhood Education, M.A.T.
Early Childhood Education, M.Ed.
Educational Leadership, M.Ed.
Elementary Education, M.A.T.
General Special Education, M.Ed.
Health Services Administration, M.H.A.
Human Resource Management and Development, M.S.- Dual Degree
Industrial and Organizational Psychology, M.S. - Dual Degree
Learning Sciences Education, M.Ed.
Mathematics Education, M.Ed.
Middle Grades Education, M.A.T.
Organizational Leadership, M.S.
Psychology, M.A.
Public Administration, M.P.A.
Reading, M.Ed.
Secondary Education, M.A.T.
Special Education, M.A.T.
Special Education, M.Ed.
Teacher Leadership, M.Ed.
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, M.Ed.
Applied Behavior Analysis, Ed.S.
Curriculum and Instruction with Advanced Professional Specializations, Ed.S.
Educational Leadership, Ed.S.
Higher Education Leadership, Ed.S.
Learning Sciences Education, Ed.S.
School Psychology, Ed.S.
Teacher Leadership, Ed.S.
Teaching and Learning, Ed.S.
Clinical Psychology, Psy.D., Florida School of Professional Psychology
Clinical Psychology, Psy.D., Illinois School of Professional Psychology
Community Psychology, Ph.D.
Counselor Education and Supervision, Ed.D.
Educational Leadership, Ed.D.
Higher Education Leadership, Ed.D.
Teaching and Learning, Ed.D.
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog
Associate Degrees
Baccalaureate Degrees
Master's Degrees
Educational Specialist Degrees
Doctoral Degrees