CSS 400 Cybersecurity Essentials

This course extends on practices in network management and information security towards larger, more complex networks. Students apply analytical thinking to solving real-world issues in the area of network and information security. Topics include architecture, components, operations of routers and switches and how these play into authentication, access control, confidentiality, integrity, availability, risk management, and advanced attack/defense methods. Students also assess security policies in various case studies and ethics in information security. Pre-requisite(s): Permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 401 Systems for Cloud Computing and Big Data

This course extends on practices in information systems, analytics, and project management towards cloud-based computing and business applications. Students work within project teams to propose functionality and develop implementation plans for use of large-scale cloud and big data technologies following project management guidelines to analyze the needs of an organization. Pre-requisite(s): CSS 300, MIS 433 and MIS 462; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 402 Advanced Studies in Analytics

This course extends practices learned in previous courses towards advanced statistical techniques. Students use analytics to discover information from large/complex datasets. Topics include dimensional reduction, clustering, classification, and visualization for high dimensional data. Students are also introduced to the data mining (DM) stages and methodologies with examples stemming from domains such as marketing, e-commerce, and information systems. Pre-requisite(s0: Permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 403 Advanced Studies in Application Development

This course extends practices learned in previous courses towards advanced application development. Students design and develop mobile and desktop applications integrating knowledge on human-computer interactions (HCI) and user-interface (UI) design. Students also examine the latest trends in application development and the new applications and architectures that these technologies enable. Pre-requisite(s): CSS 303; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 404 Back End Web Development

This course extends practices learned in previous courses towards advanced internet technologies. Students design and develop web apps and sites supporting social-networking, transactions, web services, web components, multitiered architecture, content-sharing, and functionality for business and organizational needs. Students also examine the latest trends in web development technologies and the new applications and architectures that these technologies enable. Pre-requisite(s): MIS 424 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 405 Connecting Networks

This course covers the WAN technologies and network services required by converged applications in a complex network. The course enables students to understand the selection criteria of network devices and WAN technologies to meet network requirements. By the end of this course, students will be able: configure and troubleshoot network devices; resolve common issues with data link protocols; resolve common issues with OSPF, EIGRP, and STP in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks; implement virtual private network (VPN) operations in a complex network. The course includes activities using Packet Tracer, hands-on lab work, and a wide array of assessment types and tools. Pre-requisite(s): CSS 302. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 406 Network Security

This course prepares students for protecting data from theft, damage, or disruption from a variety of sources. Students will develop the skills needed to design, implement and support security for network devices and ensure their integrity. Pre-requisite(s): CSS 210. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 407 CyberOps

This course covers how to monitor, detect, and respond to cybersecurity threats, as outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework. This course focuses on security concepts, security monitoring, host-based analysis, network intrusion analysis, and security policies procedures. This course also aligns with the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Workforce Framework to support consistent communication language for cybersecurity education, training, and workforce development. Pre-requisite(s): CSS 400. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 424 Managing and Developing Websites

This course is an overview of the key technical and business issues associated with the design, development, and management of internal and external websites. In addition to providing hands-on experience with web development tools, the course addresses the roles, processes, and interfaces required for producing effective web sites. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 433 Developing and Managing Databases

This course provides a foundation in design, implementation, and management of databases in today's business environment. The course covers the theory and applications of utilizing database management software to solve common business problems and associated issues of data integrity and privacy. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 437 Data Mining and Warehousing

This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of data mining including motivations for, and applications of, data mining. The course provides an overview of the ethics and privacy issues with respect to invasive use, and the exploration of data mining technologies. This course also introduces students to the techniques used in mining information from the web including logs, forms, cookies, user identification, and path analysis. Pre-requisite(s): BUS 430 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


CSS 492 Internship in Computer Science and Information Systems

The internship enables students to integrate and apply theory with experiential learning while working in a field related to their program. Students engage in supervised and structured experiences andmust complete a minimum of 30 hours of internship and related activities per quarter credit hour earned. This course may be taken multiple times for up to a total of ten quarter credit hours. Pre-requisite(s): Permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 2-5 quarter hours

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