2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog / Course Descriptions / ECO - Economics
Students discover the basic concepts and tools used in macroeconomic analysis: the theory, measurement and determination of national income; business cycles; the multiplier; fiscal policy, budget deficits and the national debt; aggregate supply and aggregate demand; and aggregate demand; and stabilization policy for unemployment and inflation. The class time is split between the classroom and online work, some in an adaptive learning environment. Pre-requisite(s): MTH 101 or equivalent. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours
In this course students explore selected economic concepts and the relevance and application of such concepts at an organizational/individual firm level and decisions made by the managers. Topics covered in this course are drawn from both micro- and macroeconomics and include economic markets and competition; the power of incentives; importance of information in decisions; unemployment and inflation; measurement of a nation’s economic productivity; fiscal and monetary policy; globalization and trade; and issues of current interest in economics. Pre-requisite(s): BUS 430 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours