LAP - Psychology/Behavioral Science

LAP 501 Introduction to Psychological Assessment

This course offers an introduction to psychological assessment. Students review the concepts of personality, intellectual, and industrial/organizational assessment and the statistical concepts that underlie them. They further examine tests of various kinds, including objective, projective, and evaluative. Students concentrate on reliability and validity of the instruments as well as their use in clinical and non-clinical situations, with an emphasis on understanding the reported data rather than conducting the assessments. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 509, and LAP 510; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 502 Psychological Assessment II--Intellectual Assessment

This class uses a hands-on model in which each student learns to administer standardized intellectual assessments including the Wechsler scales for intelligence and memory and several educational instruments. This class is focused on the development of the skills necessary to work as a psychological assistant or a psychometrician. Prerequisite(s): LAP 501. 3 semester hours


LAP 503 Psychological Assessment III--Personality Assessment

This class uses a hands-on model in which each student learns to administer objective and projective personality assessment instruments including the MMPI, Rorschach and TAT. This class is focused on the development of the skills necessary to work as a psychological assistant or psychometrician. Prerequisite(s): LAP 501, LAP 502 or consent of the instructor. 3 semester hours


LAP 505 Advanced Abnormal Psychology

In this course students synthesize knowledge of abnormal psychology into a coherent model of mental health and treatment. They delve into theories of diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of mental disorders. Students also discuss social, cultural, and political contexts in which these disorders occur and the influence these contexts have on the professional and on the mental health consumer. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 509 and LAP 510; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 509 Advanced Social Psychology

This course is an advanced study of individual behavior influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people. Students examine the major theories of self, cognition, social perception, biases, attitudes, social influence, relationships, group processes, violence and aggression, and prosocial behaviors; and further study the impact of culture on social interaction. This gateway course in the M.A. in Psychology program also provides an introduction to the graduate study of psychology as well as APA writing and style. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing; or permission of Program Chair of designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 quarter hours


LAP 510 Advanced Theories of Personality

This course offers an advanced analysis of the numerous viewpoints on the nature and development of personality. This includes research and issues in current theories such as psychoanalytic, behaviorist, existential, interpersonal, humanistic, cognitive, biological/genetic and social psychological. Students also review and discuss selected techniques of personality assessment and psychotherapy and views on psychopathology. This gateway course in the M.A. in Psychology program also provides an introduction to the graduate study of psychology as well as APA writing and style. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 513 Advanced Developmental and Cognitive Psychology

This course compares current views of developmental and cognitive psychology. It examines theoretical models explaining the development of cognition, for example, the genetic approach of the construction of knowledge (Piaget), the relationship between social interaction, language acquisition and cognitive activity (Vygotsky), the development of moral and ethical principles (Kohlberg); and the information processing approach and different approaches explaining the development of intelligence (Sternberg, Gardner). Topics include language development, memory, attention, perception, critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, logico-mathematical reasoning, moral and ethical judgment, and socio-cognitive aspects of human interaction. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 509 and LAP 510; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 516 Research Design

This course offers an in-depth study of research design and methods in psychology and behavioral sciences from topic identification through data collection with a focus on application. Students review approaches for reading, interpreting, and critiquing published research; discuss qualitative and quantitative research design; explore ethical considerations in research; and design an experimental research project that culminates in a formal research proposal. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 517 Psychological Statistics and Analysis

In this course, students concentrate on the applications of statistical concepts to psychological research. Emphasis is placed on selecting and conducting appropriate analyses and interpreting data related to research in both academic and applied settings and in the use of software for quantitative statistical analysis. Students who take this course also cover principles of qualitative research in psychology. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 516 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 520 Biological Bases of Behavior

This course examines human biological systems and their relationship to behavior, with particular emphasis to the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, neuroanatomy, and the endocrine system. Students examine changes in the systems throughout the lifespan and the effects of the various kinds of impairments on these systems. Prerequisite(s): LAP 509, LAP 510 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 526 Psychology of Organizational Leadership

This course is an in-depth study of the psychological theories associated with organizational leadership. The course emphasizes traditional theories such as trait, behavior, and contingency, as well as more contemporary theories such as leader-member exchange theory and implicit, transformational, and transactional leadership. Students also examine the importance of gender, culture, morality, and other factors in leadership. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 528 Survey of Industrial and Organizational Psychology

This course surveys the field of industrial/organizational psychology and examines its role in benefitting 21st century work organizations and employees. Students explore the application of psychological principles to the workplace and learn how I/O psychology contributes to the development of effective organizational practices. Specific topics include the history of I/O psychology, research methods in I/O psychology, personnel psychology (e.g., selection, performance appraisal, training), and organizational psychology (e.g., work motivation, job attitudes, group processes). Pre-requisite(s): Admission to the M.S. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology; the HRMD/IOP Dual Degree, or permission of the Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 532 Work Motivation and Job Attitudes

This course takes a scientist-practitioner approach to examining work motivation and job attitudes. Students examine influential theories of motivation and explore related organizational applications such as reward systems, work design, and job crafting. They also learn about the associated topic of job attitudes with emphasis on the causes and consequences of constructs such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 528, LAP 516, LAP 517; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 533 Measurement of Individual Differences

This course examines the measurement of individual differences and their effects on workplace performance and effectiveness. An exploration of measurement of attributes such as personality, cognitive ability, creativity, emotional intelligence, and integrity provides insight into the relationship between individual differences and job success. Measurement opportunities and challenges also are covered. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 528, LAP 516 or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 546 Assessment of Organizations

This course examines the concepts and techniques related to the assessment of individuals to determine their level of skills, abilities, and personal characteristics as an evaluation of that individual's suitability for an organization, readiness for promotion, predicted job performance, and other employee issues. Students learn about the variety of assessment techniques available to evaluate work-related characteristics. Additionally, they explore the effects of multiculturalism in the workplace and how assessment influences company policies, productivity, and the cultural climate. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 509 and LAP 510; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 552 Career Development in Psychology

This course provides graduate students in psychology with an opportunity to synthesize a plan to highlight their skills and knowledge to prospective employers. Students demonstrate professional skills such as interviewing, curriculum vitae (CV) and résumé writing, and making presentations. Students model the uses of social and professional networking, as well as assess further educational and professional development options. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 509 and LAP 510; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 589 Capstone in Industrial and Organizational Psychology

This capstone course provides students with an opportunity to integrate concepts learned in the Industrial and Organizational Psychology program through a structured, faculty-led experience. Students engage in a review of major topics covered in the program and identify and explore scientist-practitioner opportunities for their future in professional practice and research. Using a case study methodology, from the perspective of the Industrial/Organizational Psychology scientist-practitioner, students identify a business complete a supporting literature review, assess the situation, and propose in a consultative format, their recommended solution(s). The course is structured so that students demonstrate achievement of all program learning outcomes. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 516, LAP 517, LAP 526, LAP 528, LAP 532, LAP 533, HRM 520, HRM 521, OBD 515 and OBD 533; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 598 Comprehensive Exam Seminar

The Comprehensive Examination serves as (one of two possible) capstone projects for the Master of Arts in Psychology program. The 5 review classes- in APA Writing, Research Design, Social Psychology, Human Development and Cognition, and Abnormal Psychology/Personality Theories – culminate in a long answer, essay format, exam assessing both the student’s ability to write in APA style as well as content knowledge. Pre-requisite(s): Students are to be in the last term of the program, having completed, or about to complete, all previous classes prior to taking the exam or by permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 599 Thesis

A thesis is one of two options offered to the Master of Arts in Psychology students. It is a formal written document which investigates a theory or particular point of view as the result of disciplined empirical inquiry. Prerequisite(s): By the end of the third term, a student in the M.A. in Psychology program can choose the Thesis option by petitioning the department for approval to do a thesis. If consent is granted, the student registers for the Thesis option. If consent is not given, the student must register for LAP 598 Comprehensive Examination. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LAP 599X Thesis Continuation

Continuous registration required until thesis is complete. Prerequisite(s): Masters standing, consent of thesis advisor or program director, and prior registration for the required number of hours in LAP 599. Co-requisite(s): none. 0 semester hours


LAP 600 Introductory Seminar on Community Psychology

This course is designed to introduce and orient students to the Ph.D. in Community Psychology Program, outlining expectations as well as introducing students to resources. Students explore program expectations, gain a basic understanding of community psychology, navigate Library and Learning Support and technology systems, and accessing financial aid). Students reflect on community psychology as it relates to their personal and professional experiences and career aspirations. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


LAP 601 Pilot Research in Community Psychology

The pilot research is a multi-term undertaking that builds to the dissertation in Community Psychology. Doctoral candidates create a formal, APA-style written document that investigates a social issue from the community psychology perspective in a disciplined empirical inquiry. Students engage in a literature review, formulate research questions or hypotheses for their study, design methodology, and develop a research proposal. Upon IRRB’s approval of the study, students collect, report, and interpret data. Their work culminates in defense of their papers. After earning required three credit hours in this course, continuous registration, identified by X in the course number, must be maintained until the research is complete. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to the Community Psychology PH D program. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LAP 601X Pilot Research Continuation in Community Psychology

Continuous registration required until research is complete. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to the Community Psychology Ph.D. program and prior registration for the required number of hours in LAP 601. Co-requisite(s): None. 0 semester hour


LAP 605 Principles of Community Psychology

This course is designed to introduce students to the main principles of community psychology. Major topics include: U.S. and global historical influences on the foundation and development of the field, theories, and constructs of community psychology. More specifically, constructs and theories include: the sense of community, social-ecological theory, participatory action research, praxis, social justice, empowerment, liberation, and prevention interventions. Students are also introduced to strategies for addressing social problems and making changes with communities including: coalition-building, systems theory, and community organizing. Additional considerations regarding navigating research within a community context are also explored, such as multiple conceptualizations of diversity and the importance of ethics. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 610 Approaches to Social Problems: Community Prevention

In this course, students explore the overlapping nature and complexity of social problems. They examine social problems, both domestic and international, from a community psychology perspective. Students create a prevention proposal for a social issue based on their knowledge and insight of 1) the mutual influence of social issues, 2) existing research, 3) current practice, 4) cultural context, and 5) the belonging perspective. Additionally, students defend their choice of positioning their prevention proposal in the micro-, meso-, exo-, and/or macro-system levels as well as in the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of prevention. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 615 Community Organizing

This course explores how people organize for social change; specifically, how people build, and/or re-build, social capital within a community as well as physical infrastructure. Examples of topics covered include: introduction to the history of community organizing, diversity in community organizing, building relationships and organizations, organizing leadership, using the internet and other electronic social media in community organizing and development, and community visioning and planning. There is also strong emphasis placed on how culture influences all aspects of community organizing. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600, LAP 605, and LAP 610; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 620 Advanced Community Development Planning and Policy

This course investigates the various aspects of neighborhood and community-based development and the roles that community psychologists can play in facilitating relevant planning initiatives. Students learn how changing urban structures such as neighborhood gentrification and displacement can impact community development and influence resident management practices. In addition, students identify and evaluate the effectiveness of different of different planning approaches including asset mapping, advocacy and equity planning within the context of policymaking. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600, LAP 605, or permission of the instructor. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 625 Advanced Quantitative Methodology in Community Psychology

This course will review the scientific method, including the importance of thorough literature reviews building the formulation of research questions/hypotheses. In depth coverage of research designs (e.g., observational, correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental) including details (operationalizing variables, hypotheses, research questions, reliability, and validity) and their application will be covered as well as details of each sub- section of an APA style Methods section (Design, Participants, Procedures, Instruments). Ethical considerations in research will be included. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600, LAP 605, and LAP 660; or consent of the department. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 630 Advanced Qualitative Methodology in Community Psychology

This course reviews qualitative research methods including interviewing, observing, documenting, and categorizing data. An introduction to understanding and conducting focus groups is provided. Students demonstrate how qualitative research focuses on understanding the insider’s view (emic) while quantitative research focuses on predicting, or controlling, with an outside objective view (etic). This course promotes hands-on application of various qualitative methods in community psychology through interviewing participants, observing participants, conducting a focus group, and analyzing qualitative data. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600, LAP 605, and LAP 610; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 635 Statistics for Community Psychology

This is an advanced statistics course offered within the Community Psychology PhD program. This course allows students to choose and apply appropriate statistical techniques in relation to their dissertations. Students further develop techniques in experimental, quasi experimental, and survey research. Both univariate and multivariate analysis techniques are explored. Issues of sampling, measurement, reliability, and validity are addressed. Students learn practical implications for the use of each technique in community psychology research. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 625, LAP 630, and LAP 698; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 640 Survey Design and Introduction to Statistical Software and Analysis

This course will examine all aspects of total survey design including setting objectives, sampling, questionnaire construction, data collection, design, analysis procedures, and report writing. There is an emphasis on questionnaire construction related to a student’s doctoral research design as well as hands-on application of foundational statistical analysis using software (e.g., SPSS , or PSPP). Foundational statistics covered include an introduction to the software, data coding and entry, descriptive statistics, and basic inferential statistics (e.g., means comparison and linear regression). Report writing will be covered and focus on the Instruments and Results sections including how to develop tables and figures utilizing SPSS data and adhering to APA style. This is a required course for the PhD in Community Psychology program. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 645 Social Marketing and Thought Leadership

This course will examine promoting social change through the use of Social Marketing (focused on individual behavior change) as well as shaping public debate at the macro level. The 4 P’s (Price, Product, Promotion and Placement) of Social Marketing will be covered including review of successful applications, consideration of how to apply these Social Marketing principles to new topics and examination of the difficulties of applying this technique to complex social problems. Thought leadership will be covered with a specific focus on students finding their social issue expertise and learning how to position their arguments at a macro level. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 650 Principles of Consultation in the Community and Consultation Proposal

This course emphasizes community psychology practice and the development of consulting skills. Students explore the role of community psychologists as consultants as well as the need for stakeholders to be partners in the process. Some processes to be examined are connecting people, clarifying roles, managing conflict, setting clear goals and creating a positive climate. Cultural and diversity are explored as they relate to consultation. Student will also prepare draft proposals for their community consultation course sequence LAP 690. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 4 semester hours


LAP 655 Grant Writing Focused on Community Needs

This course focuses on grant writing activities as they relate to the community. This includes effective grant-writing principles including the identification of potential grant opportunities and writing a proposal as well as conducting community needs assessments. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 660 Professional Writing for Community Psychology I

This course will prepare students for professional writing, within the field of community psychology. Topics covered include APA style, outlining, literature reviews, writing for scholarly journals, crafting a narrative, writing for research presentations, ethical considerations, and aspects of professionalism in writing. Students learn to analyze published works and apply the writing skills to their class papers, externships, theses, and dissertations. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 661 Professional Writing for Community Psychology II

This advanced writing course focuses on enhancing student writing, particularly around qualitative and mixed methods results and discussion sections for dissertations. The course will address issues around prose style, writing up research, and presentation structure in a publicly accessible and interesting way. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600, LAP 605, LAP 635, and LAP 698. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 662 Leadership and Organizational Change

Students in this course revisit their vision and mission through exploring advanced strategies for leading change with communities. The course explores the structure and role of government and nonprofit organizations in maximizing benefit to the community, as well as how to work with organizations to influence broader cultural systems change. Interdisciplinary philosophy and theory are explored to examine how organizations influence broader community dynamics that sustain a variety of social problems for communities. Specific focus is placed on organizational culture and understanding how organizations must adhere to and adapt to outside changes and demands of stakeholders within a broader global context. Students examine the role of community psychologists in organizational performance and efficiency in the context of staying current on best practices and continuous quality improvement. Students learn about planning for and leading change in alignment with organizations’ goals and designs for change that ultimately result in community improvement. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600, LAP 605 or permission of the Program Chair/Director or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 665 Advanced Theoretical Foundations of Community Psychology

This course provides students with a philosophical background in community psychology and related including social psychology, sociology, personality, health psychology, social work, and urban studies. Students explore the following set of interdisciplinary theories: empowerment theory, sense of community, ecological theory, social psychology and personality, psychoanalysis, sociological models, and theories of stress. They further analyze theories and apply them toward interpreting real world situations. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 670 Cross-Cultural Dynamics in Context

In this course, students investigate theory and practical aspects of culture and cross-cultural relationships. They explore psychological and cultural factors that both facilitate and challenge cross-cultural relationships and communication. They assess communication processes and challenges as they apply to community psychology and work within diverse communities. Students analyze dimensions of communication as well as strategies for improving communication skills within different community contexts. Students examine the community psychology Cultural Competency Framework, which includes cultural competence as an on-going process; engage in exploration of self as community psychologist; and network with professionals in the field. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600, LAP 605; or consent of the Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 4 semester hours


LAP 685 Urban Politics and the Community

This course examines the impact on community areas of the distribution of power and the tensions hat drive modern cities. Students consider racial and ethnic divides and common interests and explore the relationship between government, private economic interests, and residents’ interests. They further discuss theoretical and policy issues as they relate to urban politics and their effects on communities and residents. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 600, and LAP 605; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 689 Fieldwork in Community Psychology

This experiential fieldwork/consultation sequence provides students the opportunity to explore multiple communities they seek to work with, both during the program and beyond. Students apply principles and concepts learned in the classroom to real-world action projects and build their professional networks. They gain hands-on community experience as they pursue personal learning objectives and professional development skills to community psychology in a variety of settings. The fieldwork sequence prepares students for the consultation project with local organizations, which focuses on research, advocacy, non-profit management, social marketing, community organizing and development, and/or grant writing. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to PhD in Community Psychology program. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 semester hours

1 TO 5

LAP 690 Consultation in Community Psychology

This course will offer students introductory hands-on, supervised experience in the community. Students have the opportunity to pursue personal learning objectives related to community psychology in a variety of community settings. These learning objectives can focus on research, advocacy, non-profit management, or fundraising or other related activities. Prerequisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LAP 693 Seminar in Program Evaluation

This course introduces students to different types of program evaluations, including needs assessment, formative and process evaluation, monitoring of inputs, outputs, and outcomes, impact assessment, and cost analysis. Students engage in practical experiences through a series of exercises involving the design of a conceptual framework, indicators, and an evaluation plan to measure impact. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 625 or PPA 565 or RES 520 or another graduate quantitative analysis/methods course by approval of Program Chair. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LAP 695 Independent Study in Community Psychology

This course is designed for Community Psychology doctoral students to pursue an independent study under the direction of a faculty member. The learning objectives for the independent study vary based on the choice of its focus, and typically draw from research, advocacy, non-profit management, resource development, social marketing, or community organizing and development, thus building toward the student’s career as a community psychologist. Students must obtain permission from the Program Chair prior to registration. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LAP 698 Dissertation Proposal Seminar

This course focuses community psychology doctoral students on developing successful dissertation proposals. Students learn the criteria of a successful proposal for the field of Psychology, identify and organize various sources of literature for writing a scientific literature review, discuss strategies for developing a written argument, formulate research questions, align research questions with data, identify strategies for successful collaboration with dissertation advisors, address project/time management strategies, and create peer support network for research. The course culminates in development of the dissertation proposal and its submission to the Institutional Research Review Board (IRRB). Pre-requisite(s): LAP 625 and LAP 630; or permission of Program Chair or designate. 3 semester hours


LAP 699 Dissertation in Community Psychology

This course focuses on the complete dissertation process including conceptualization of a project, literature review, data collection, data analysis, final write up, and defense. Pre-requisite(s): LAP 625, LAP 630, LAP 635. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-6 semester hours

1 TO 6

LAP 699X Dissertation Continuation: Community Psychology

Continuous registration required until dissertation is complete. Pre-requisite(s) Doctoral standing, consent of instruction and prior registration or the required number of hours in LAP 699. Co-requisite(s): None. 0 semester hours.