Grading Policy

Instructor Withdrawal

An instructor may withdraw a student who is excessively absent up to the 70th percent point of the semester. After the 70th percent point, neither the instructor nor the student can process a withdrawal and a final grade will be assigned. The instructor will withdraw a student who has not attended a class meeting during the first week. The instructor may assign a grade of Early F to a student who is excessively absent.

Early F Grade Assignment

The instructor will be permitted to assign an Early F to a student who meets any of the following criteria:

  1. A student who has stopped attending a class in which the instructor does not process withdrawals;
  2. A student who stops attending a class after the 70th percent point of the class;
  3. A student who stops attending a course being attempted for the third time;
  4. A student who has been determined to be cheating on any assignment or examination; or
  5. A student who has plagiarized any written assignment.

A student who has been assigned the Early F for non-attendance will be provided an opportunity to adjust the F to a W (student withdrawal). The F must remain in third-attempt courses, in cases where the student does not request the adjustment prior to the established withdrawal deadline and in cases where the F is assigned for cheating or plagiarism. If the adjustment is processed, the last date of attendance as reported by the instructor of record will remain. A student who has been assigned an F as a result of cheating or plagiarism does not have the option of requesting an adjustment to W but may dispute the grade assigned by following the grade grievance process.

Under extenuating circumstances, a student will have an opportunity to appeal for late withdrawal after the 70th percent point of the class. The Student Academic Appeals Committee will review these appeals. Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained in any registration office.


A student who is withdrawn for excessive absences or assigned the Early F may discuss the option for reinstatement with the instructor. A student who does not attend the first week of class and is withdrawn in accordance with the “No-Show” procedure may discuss the option for reinstatement with the instructor. If the instructor does not agree to the request for continued enrollment in the class, the student may petition the Student Academic Appeals Committee for reinstatement.

Change of Grade

Grade changes shall not be made after one year following the end of the semester in which the course was taken, except in cases of College error or administrative approval. 

Students Receiving Veterans Benefits

A student receiving benefits from the Veterans Administration is required to abide by the College’s Attendance Policy. If the student exceeds the number of absences permitted and does not have the instructor’s approval, certification will be terminated.

College Trips

A student who is representing the College on official business, including field trips, will not be counted absent provided a prior notice is given to the instructor and any missed work is completed.

Special Programs

In certain specialized programs, such as the health-related programs, licensure, certification, or accreditation requirements mandate fewer absences than the College normally permits. A student enrolled in one of these programs is informed of these externally imposed attendance requirements. If these requirements are exceeded, the student will not be withdrawn from academic courses but may be withdrawn from the specific program.
