Additional Services

Posting Student Notices and Use of Bulletin Boards

All notices placed on the various bulletin boards in College buildings must be approved through the appropriate campus Office of Student Leadership and Activities prior to posting. No notices are to be posted in locations other than these bulletin boards. A housing bulletin board is available on the Pensacola Campus in the Student Center to advertise rooms for rent, search for roommates, etc.

Snack Bar and Vending

The College contracts for various food and vending services for the convenience of students, faculty, and College staff. Self-service vending is widely available, with beverage and snack vending machines available on each campus. There are Subway restaurants on the Pensacola and Warrington campuses. Student scholarship funds are routinely enhanced through vending commissions, made possible through use of the College vending operations.

College Bookstores

The College has bookstores on the Milton, Pensacola, and Warrington campuses. These bookstores provide textbooks and supplies for sale to students, faculty, staff, and the community. Commissions from the bookstore operations fund scholarships for many Pensacola State College students. Books and supplies required for each course are kept in the College bookstores, as well as imprinted notebooks and clothes, and a large selection of College outlines and preparation and reference books. Textbooks may also be purchased via the website at

Books and supplies may be purchased by cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or by authorization from the Financial Aid Office or other certifying office. Students may write checks for the amount of purchase or up to $5 over the purchase amount. Checks must include an address and a phone number. A driver’s license or state identification card is required.

For bookstore services at the South Santa Rosa Center, please call (850) 471-4630, and for bookstore services at the Century Center, please call (850) 471-4622.


A full refund is given if books are returned in the same condition as when purchased, as long as books are returned within 7 days from the first day of class and the student has proof of purchase via sales receipt.

Textbook Buy-Back

The College bookstores provide students the opportunity to sell their textbooks throughout the year. Highest used market value is paid for editions which will be used in the upcoming term, and national wholesale value is offered for all other titles. A picture ID is required.

Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention Information

Recognizing that the use and abuse of mind-altering substances represents a serious threat to the College mission, the College has devoted significant effort to the prevention of these problems. These efforts include educational programming, media presentations, curriculum resources, and referral services. For more information, contact the Office of Student Leadership and Activities (850) 484-1503.

AIDS Information

Information related to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) education may be obtained from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention at Confidential testing is available to the College community on various dates and locations. Please see the College Event Calendar for current information. 

Academic and Department Organizations

Astronomy Club

Band & Jazz Ensembles

Biology Club

Brain Bowl


Cosmetology Club

Corsair (student newspaper)

Culinary Club

Cyber Defense Club

Engineering Club

Guitar Ensemble

Health Occupations Students of America

Literary Round Table

Performing Arts Crew

Philosophy Club

Phi Tau Alpha

PSC Dance Theatre


Student American Dental Hygienists' Association

Student Dental Assisting Association

Student Nurses Association

Honors Organizations

National Technical Honors Society

Phi Theta Kappa - General Academic

Phi Theta Kappa Theta Chi

Phi Theta Kappa Beta Beta Gamma

Robinson Honors Program

Religious Organizations

Baptist Collegiate Ministry

The Difference (Marcus Pointe Baptist)

Social Service Organizations

African American Student Association

FITT & Well Club – Fitness

Gay-Straight Alliance

History club

Outdoor Recreation


Robinson Honors Program Club

Rotaract Club

Student Government Association

Student Support Services

Student Veterans Association

Art Gallery

The Visual Arts Gallery, housed in the Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts, is located on the Pensacola Campus, Building 15, and is open to the general public, free of charge. Exhibitions of contemporary art are displayed throughout the academic year. Gallery tours for groups are available by appointment for each exhibition. For more information, please call the Visual Arts Department at (850) 484-2563 or the Gallery Director at (850) 484-2048 or visit


Pensacola State College is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association, Region VIII, and a member of the Florida State College Activities Association. Varsity participation on a team is open to full-time students from any campus, but is limited to two years of participation. Full-time students in a vocational program may participate as long as the eligibility requirements of both the NJCAA and the FSCAA are met.

Athletic Scholarships

Athletic scholarships are available to students maintaining a satisfactory grade point average under present regulations. Interested students should contact the team coach.

Center for Corporate and Professional Development Training

Workforce and Economic Development serves several important functions within the College and the Pensacola Bay Area business community. The Pensacola State College Center for Corporate and Professional Development Training is an active education partner with many local organizations, delivering responsive and updated training at any location. Based out of its downtown Pensacola office, the Pensacola State College Center for Corporate and Professional Development provides education and training intent upon skill enhancement, certification, or licensure. A wide range of courses deliver continuing professional education for those in the insurance, real estate, health, construction, and computer industries, as well as training in Leadership Development, Customer Service, and Project Management. In addition, the Pensacola State College Center for Corporate and Professional Development can develop training to meet any need.

Workforce and Economic Development is also responsible for creating economic development opportunities and partnerships in the Pensacola Bay area and throughout the state of Florida. This department targets the creation and growth of a quality jobs market for Pensacola State College students, the incubation of enterprise activities, and the development of a highly responsive and skilled workforce capable of meeting the demands of a rapid growth economy. Working in partnership with local organizations, Workforce and Economic Development is focused on creating the future.

Pensacola State College supports new business growth and development. In partnership with the Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce and several other organizations, the downtown center now houses a community small business incubator. For additional information concerning these courses/programs and others, please contact the Center for Corporate and Professional Development Training at (850) 484-1379.

College Publications

The Corsair is Pensacola State College’s award-winning student newspaper, available in print and at The paper is written and edited by a staff of student journalists and covers topics relevant to student life, the College, and the community. For more information or to inquire about joining the staff, call The Corsair office at (850) 484-1455 or send an email to

The Kilgore Review is an annual student literary magazine published by The Literary Roundtable, a creative writing organization advised by a faculty member in the English and Communications Department. To join the group, submit work for consideration, or obtain additional information, call (850) 484-1433 or (850) 484-1400, or send an email to

The Hurricane Review is a nationally recognized literary journal published annually by the English and Communications Department. This journal is edited and formatted by Pensacola State College students under the direction of a faculty advisor. Submissions of short fiction and poetry are welcome. For additional information call (850) 484-1946 or (850) 484-1090 or send an email to

Cosmetic Arts Salon

The Cosmetic Arts Salon on the Pensacola Campus offers barbering, hair, massage, nail, and waxing services to male and female clients at a low cost.  Limited services are available at the Milton Campus salon. Services are provided by cosmetic arts students under the direction of licensed cosmetic arts faculty.  For a detailed list of services and pricing visit  To schedule an appointment, contact 850-484-2567 for an appointment on the Pensacola Campus and 850-484-1397 for an appointment on the Milton Campus.

Dental Hygiene Clinic

The Dental Hygiene Clinic at Pensacola State College offers preventative dental hygiene services to the public. The program provides dental hygiene care to over 3,000 annually. This care is made possible by the Dental Hygiene Program of the College, which provides education to students for future practice in private dental offices, hospitals, and public health agencies. The clinic does not provide restorative dentistry (fillings), oral surgery (removal of teeth), orthodontics (braces), or dentures. Because the Dental Hygiene Program is designed and maintained for teaching procedures, scheduling and dental hygiene services differ from those of a private dental office. Those accepted for treatment are patients whose dental problems have teaching value and who have the extra time required for treatment. All dental care is performed by student dental hygienists who are carefully supervised by licensed dental hygiene faculty. Therefore, the faculty members constantly review and evaluate the treatment rendered by the student which affects the length of visits and the number of appointments required.

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

To serve each student with a disability who is attending the College under the auspices of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Department of Education has branch offices located on two of the College campuses.

Pensacola Campus  Building 6, Room 659  (850) 484-1660
Milton Campus Building 4100 (850) 983-5340


Pensacola State College's Lyceum series offers programs of cultural and educational value to the College as well as to the greater Pensacola community. Musical performances, theatre, dance, art exhibitions, and distinguished speakers are available at no charge to Pensacola State College students through the Lyceum series. Faculty, staff, and the general public are invited to attend for a nominal fee. For information regarding Lyceum events, please call the Performing Arts Department at (850) 484-1847 or visit the Lyceum website at

Pensacola State College Foundation, Inc.

The Pensacola State College Foundation, Inc., is a private, non-profit corporation that has been established to encourage, solicit, receive, and administer gifts and bequests of property and funds for the benefit of the College and College activities. The Pensacola State College Foundation is administered by a Board of Governors made up of members of the community who have an interest in the College.

The Pensacola State College Foundation promotes the annual giving program of the College and solicits funds through comprehensive campaigns, annual giving, affinity membership group giving, and planned giving to support various College initiatives. Donations are sought for scholarships and other worthwhile projects, which assist the College and its students.  Additionally, the Foundation manages rental properties and athletic dormitories to support scholarships and College programming.

As a tax-assisted institution, Pensacola State College cannot meet all needs with state and student support. The Pensacola State College Foundation assists in obtaining private support to supplement College budgets. The Pensacola State College Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax deductible non-profit corporation and a direct support organization chartered by the state of Florida to provide private support to the College.

The Board of Governors rotates monthly meetings between the executive board and full board and holds an annual meeting to elect new governors.

Planetarium and Space Theater

The Pensacola State College Planetarium and Space Theater, located in Building 21 of the Pensacola Campus, is a unique College resource used to support courses in astronomy and other subject areas. The planetarium also provides educational opportunities for K-12 students from across northwest Florida as well as students from Alabama.

For more information please visit the website at or email

Recreation and Leisure / Continuing Education

Continuing Education offers courses and programs for lifelong learning, recreation and leisure, and cultural events at a reasonable price and convenient to students of all ages.

Individuals participate in continuing education courses or programs for a variety of reasons, including learning new skills, broadening the knowledge base for special topics of interest, cultivating hobbies, and enhancing lifestyles through leisure time activities. Classes are offered at times that meet the scheduling demands of the students.

Classes are delivered in a variety of formats, such as non-credit short courses, workshops, seminars, and conferences, and classes are located at numerous sites within the community as well as provided via internet. Qualified instructors with interest and expertise in the subject matter are selected from the community at large to teach continuing education courses.

Subject matter is provided under a vast array of categories, including creative arts, hobbies, home and garden, sports and fitness, work and life balance, and online courses. Courses include such topics of interest as painting and drawing, photography, acting, vocal and instrumental instruction, computer science, foreign languages, aerobic exercise, tennis, yoga, swimming, handcrafts, hobbies, home improvements, language arts, dog obedience, and more.

A unique program provided by the College is Pensacola State Kids’ College, which is a non-credit educational opportunity for young people ages 6-12, conducted during the summer months. Kids’ College is designed to give students quality instruction that is fun, interesting, and challenging. Subject areas include the arts and sciences, languages, computers, music and theater, career exploration, sports, crafts, and hobbies among others.

A number of state-regulated and court-mandated courses and programs are coordinated through Continuing Education, including TransParenting, Guardianship Education, Driver Improvement School, Motorcycle Safety Endorsement, and Tobacco and Consequences for Teens. For additional information please contact Continuing Education at (850) 484-1796.


Mike Listau

(850) 484-1014

Student Ambassador Program

The mission of the Pensacola State College Ambassador program is to promote Pensacola State College. Student Ambassadors serve as official hosts and hostesses, representing the College at campus visits and tours, commencements, Alumni Association and Foundation activities, and general recruiting initiatives. The Pensacola State College Student Ambassador program is an opportunity for a student to develop leadership and communication skills while conveying Pensacola State College’s Mission of “maximizing educational opportunities that develop the academic, career, personal, and aesthetic capabilities of individuals for the benefit of themselves and the global community.” 

Ambassadors are selected for their demonstration of leadership, academic achievement, community involvement, and display of pride and ownership of Pensacola State College.  

To be eligible for consideration, a student

  1. Must be a Florida or Alabama high school senior applying as a first-time student who intends to enroll in classes during the forthcoming Fall and Spring terms or a current Ambassador in good standing academically who has maintained adequate participation.
  2. Must enroll in at least 6 credit hours per term.
  3. Must be at least 18 years old prior to the August Training Session.
  4. Must be in good academic standing with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
  5. Must demonstrate prior leadership experience.
  6. Must be able to participate in ambassador activities including evening and weekend commitments (hours will vary based on assigned activities, i.e., registration periods, college fairs, orientations/tours).
  7. Must commit to serving as an Ambassador for at least one academic year, renewable for a second year upon verification of participation.

Student Government Association

Pensacola State College provides an opportunity for experience in self-government on each campus. A student may hold any office in the Student Government Association (SGA), other College organization, or represent the College in any manner if he or she satisfies the requirements stated by the organization’s constitution. Students are the constituents of the academic community of Pensacola State College and are entitled to express their opinions on subjects involving their intellectual, social, physical, and moral development, and to participate in the formulation of institutional policy, which affects their general interests and welfare. The SGA is the primary vehicle for student expression and participation in the democratic process.

The SGA should serve to promote a climate encouraging responsible participation and leadership in the College community, to foster understanding and a positive relationship between the student body and the faculty and administration, and to lead actions beneficial to the College community as a whole. Current copies of the SGA’s Constitution are on file in the Student Leadership and Activities Office.

Scope of Authority

The Pensacola State College SGA is recognized as the official student body government and shall serve to express the will of the general college body. The College shall work with the SGA in seeking the opinions and assistance of the general student body on matters of their proper concern. The SGA is responsible for establishing and enforcing its own rules of procedure. Such rules must not be in conflict with the policies of the College or laws of the state and national government.

The Student Government Association is responsible for the following:

  1. Budgeting student leadership and activities fund;
  2. Informing the organizations of the necessity of compliance with all organizational regulations;
  3. Recommending changes necessary for the successful and proper functioning of organizations;
  4. Encouraging various student publications to publish such notices as it deems necessary for the information of the student body;
  5. Informing students of its role, of the students’ roles, and of the necessity of student participation in maintaining effective student government and the democratic process;
  6. Promoting, endorsing, and continually striving to improve the honor system described in Article IV of the Constitution;
  7. Expressing choices and making recommendations for speakers and entertainers for the Pensacola State College Lyceum series;
  8. Participating in the formulations of policies regulating student conduct through representation on committees charged with drawing up codes of conduct;
  9. Requesting appropriate changes in College policy not directly under the control of the SGA, such as changes in curriculum, to the appropriate faculty committee or administrative official;
  10. Receiving petitions from students who wish to express their opinions or suggest changes to College policy; and
  11. Establishing special committees to study particular problems.

Actions of the SGA shall be subject to review by officials authorized to do so by Constitution or by the College President.

Student Organizations

All organizations, except honor societies, are open to all students with a GPA of 2.0 or above. Membership in an honor society is by invitation only. Students interested in joining a Pensacola State College club or organization should inquire at the Student Leadership and Activities Office for information on procedures and people to contact. Student Organization Guidelines are listed later in this section.

Student Organization Guidelines

Pensacola State College recognizes student organizations that exist to promote the social and educational well-being of their members. Recognition for an on-campus organization by the College is granted and maintained, provided the organization demonstrates continued acceptable social behavior and sound fiscal management. The College delegates to the Student Leadership and Activities Office the authority to approve, censure, or deny privileges to campus organizations. Such authority, however, is subject to review by the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs. Organizations seeking affiliation with other organizations outside the jurisdiction of Pensacola State College must first have the approval of the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs. The Office of Student Leadership and Activities is available to organizations for counsel and assistance on all campuses. Responsibility for the standing of an organization rests solely on its members. All student organizations’ regulations and the provisions of student organizations’ constitutions must be consistent with the policies of the District Board of Trustees of Pensacola State College, as well as national, state, and county laws.

Student Membership

Membership is open to any student who meets one of the following:

  1. A current cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher at Pensacola State College.
  2. A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher from the previous college or university (if a new transfer student).
  3. Any first time college student entering from high school will have a one term grace period to earn a college GPA.

Obtaining Campus Charters

To obtain a campus charter, representatives of a student organization must first consult with the campus Student Leadership and Activities Office. Students on the Century or South Santa Rosa centers should contact the Office of Student Leadership and Activities on the Pensacola Campus. The students must also provide the following:

  1. Statement of purpose.
  2. A proposed constitution.
  3. Bylaws incorporating the College Anti-Hazing Policy (See Anti-Hazing Policy). 
  4. Name of advisor(s), approved by the supervisor.
  5. List of prospective members who must be Pensacola State College students.

The advisor will then present the charter request to the respective campus Student Engagement and Student Activities Office. The charter and the proposed constitution will be forwarded to the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, for review and approval.

Common Responsibilities

  1. Secure one or more approved advisors who either attend meetings or approve the meeting’s agenda in advance. An advisor should be present at all meetings held after 5 p.m. An advisor may be any individual employed at Pensacola State College as a faculty member, administrator, or career service employee. Student Leadership and Activities Manuals are available for all advisors in the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office.
  2. Accept all responsibility for organizational financial matters of the individual organization. No action on the part of any organization, collectively or by individual members, shall incur any indebtedness to Pensacola State College.
  3. Furnish to the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office a complete list of officers and members. Also, within two weeks from the beginning of the Spring and Fall terms, furnish the times and places of meetings as well as the name(s) of the advisor(s). Any changes in the organization’s constitution or purpose must be placed on file in the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office.
  4. Limit membership to current Pensacola State College students maintaining a minimum 2.0 term grade point average. Students joining a club or organization directly from high school will be given a one term grace period to establish college GPA.
  5. Drop any member who fails to maintain the required 2.0 term GPA.
  6. Furnish a report of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of officers for the coming year along with a list of major activities engaged in during the previous year. This report is to be filed in the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office three weeks prior to the end of the Spring term.
  7. Refrain from any type of hazing. (See Anti-Hazing Policy) 
  8. Submit a detailed outline of any activity to the appropriate campus Student Engagement and Student Activities coordinator no later than two weeks in advance of the event or activity. Each activity is to be approved by the Student Engagement and Student Activities coordinator, the club sponsor, and the department head with oversight of the facility being used (if held on campus). The Student Engagement and Student Activities coordinator will meet with the sponsoring organization to discuss the proposed plans and assist with ideas or suggestions to help ensure the success of the activity. Activity forms are available in the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office.
  9. Complete and return a re-chartering request to the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office each term.
  10. All funded clubs must present one campus-wide event each Fall and Spring term and meet all other obligations set forth by the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office.


Organizations failing to fulfill the above responsibilities are subject to the following penalties:

  1. Forfeiture of social privileges;
  2. Forfeiture of representation in student publications;
  3. Forfeiture of representation in intramural or other competitive campus activities;
  4. Forfeiture of campus charter;
  5. Suspension of campus charter;
  6. Suspension of members’ right to participate in other campus activities or organizations;
  7. Trial of officers or members suspected of violating the Pensacola State College Honor Code; and
  8. Any penalty as set forth in the College statement on student rights and responsibilities. Penalties may be prescribed for organizations by the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, for infractions of a minor nature in accordance with procedures outlined in the College statement on student rights and responsibilities.

Organization Activities

Registered social functions may be held on the campus or at a place approved in advance by the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office. Any request for approval of a location should be submitted one week prior to the planned date of the activity.

Approved social activities of student organizations must be registered in the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office. Registration of the activity is completed by filling out an activity form available in the office. If a club or organization enters into a contractual agreement with any group that will be using Pensacola State College facilities, a copy of the contract must be filed in the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office and reviewed before approval will be given to the activity.

The College must also approve guest speakers on campus. Completed applications for approval must be submitted to the Student Engagement and Student Activities Office at least 10 calendar days prior to the date of the proposed speaking engagement.

All registered social functions, either on or off campus, are required to have chaperones in attendance. The chaperones may be an advisor and spouse, or any couple, one of whom is employed by the College as a faculty member, an administrator, or a member of the professional staff. Only employees of the College may receive student activity per diem expenses. Chaperones shall exact appropriate conduct from attending students and shall affect proper regard for College regulations at social functions. Instructions for chaperones, outlining their responsibilities, are available in the Student Engagement and Student Activities Offices.



WSRE will positively influence the daily lives of all on the Gulf Coast through broadcast programming and educational outreach services that encourage us to engage more deeply in the world around us.


The mission of WSRE is to open doors to a larger world with quality programming and educational outreach services for every person on the Gulf Coast who desires to be more educated, informed and entertained. WSRE helps people make informed decisions with a better understanding of the community and world in which they live. As a community-supported, outreach service of Pensacola State College, WSRE brings forth culture and ideas that enhance the quality of life and promote the joy of discovery and learning.

WSRE was founded and first signed on the air September 11, 1967. WSRE is licensed to the District Board of Trustees of Pensacola State College, and is operated from its main studios in Pensacola as a service of Pensacola State College. WSRE offers four free, over-the-air digital channels 24/7 providing 35,040 hours of television each year, and on-demand viewing through and streaming. WSRE has garnered four regional Emmy® Award nominations and nine Telly Awards for original programming since 2008. WSRE’s robust local production lineup includes Conversations with Jeff Weeks, StudioAmped, Pensacola State Today, AWARE, In Your Own Backyard, Legislative Review, RALLY, and various award-winning documentaries. WSRE’s Educational Services and Literacy Outreach programs reach thousands of children every year and distribute free books and educational resources annually to children, parents, and teachers. PSC’s Learning Lab/WSRE’s Imagination Station (opened in April 2013), located at the Blue Wahoos Stadium in Pensacola reaches thousands of parents and children in a fun, learning-rich environment that is free of charge.

For more information, please visit or call (850) 484-1200.

WSRE Foundation, Inc.

The WSRE TV Foundation was established in 1990 as a private, non-profit corporation that encourages, solicits, receives and administers gifts and bequests of property and funds in support of the activities, operations and capital needs of WSRE TV.

The WSRE TV Foundation promotes and manages Donor Services and other giving programs of the station. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and serves as a direct support organization for WSRE/Pensacola State College under Florida statutes.
