BMGT 3190 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Student will registe r for course in the field of study ("XXX"). Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4 or Sophomore through Senior level. The cours e will be one to four hours of credit. Prere quisite: Written consent of the supervising professor and the Dean prior to registration.


BMGT 3290 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Student will registe r for course in the field of study ("XXX"). Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4 or Sophomore through Senior level. The cours e will be one to four hours of credit. Prere quisite: Written consent of the supervising professor and the Dean prior to registration.


BMGT 3310 Fundamentals of Management

The management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling will provide the framework for a study of management theories, research, and problem solving. Prerequisite: BADM 2312.


BMGT 3315 Organizational Behavior

The course is a study of human behavior in organizations at the individual and group levels. Included topics are individual behavior, attitudes, perceptions, and motivations; group dynamics, interpersonal relations, communication, cooperation, and conflict; and organizational change, development, power, influence, and culture. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BMGT3310. Spring.


BMGT 3321 Human Resources Management

Human resources management studies will include the personnel functions of employment planning, recruitment, selection, training and development, compensation, labor relations, and government regulations administration. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BMGT 3310. Fall.


BMGT 3330 Negotiation

This course is designed to explore the processes of bargaining and negotiation as social and managerial activities. Special emphasis will be given to the areas of interpersonal and intergroup conflict, in addition to interpersonal influence techniques and the tactics and strategies involved with improved bargaining and negotiation. The major purpose of the course is for each participant to gain insight into their own negotiating style and to become a more effective negotiator, as well as a more astute observer of socail process. The course will involve extensive use of cases, role-plays, and related participative activities, enhanced by rigorous self-review and introspection.


BMGT 3334 Team Management

Issues related to team-based organizations will be examined. Focus is placed on team development and leadership, including factors associated with high performing teams. Differences between team-based and traditional organizations are examined. Skills will be developed to deal with problems faced by team leaders. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BMGT 3310.


BMGT 3340 Project Management

This course is an introduction to the Project Management discipline from the management perspective. It is based on the foundations of the Project Management Institute and allows the students to put into practice applying the knowledge learned from other management courses. Areas that are covered include communication, team management, leadership skills and evaluation of projects. Technology areas to be covered include scheduling and reading within Microsoft Project. Prerequisite: BMGT 3310


BMGT 3360 Entrepreneurial Management

The purpose of this course is to develop the skills required to manage and grow a new venture, whether it is for a for-profit or not-for-profit entity, through each of the stages of growth and new firms undergo. A successful entrepreneur needs to be able to not only envision and launch a new company, but also be able to manage a new company well and grow it successfully from a start-up to, on-going, business organization where other people like to work and can succeed. This course will also expose the student to the entrepreneur who works inside a large organization and the skills required in that context.


BMGT 3390 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Student will registe r for course in the field of study ("XXX"). Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4 or Sophomore through Senior level. The cours e will be one to four hours of credit. Prere quisite: Written consent of the supervising professor and the Dean prior to registration.


BMGT 3391 Special Topics

Organized classes to explore specialized prob lems in an area of Business Administration. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4 or Sophomore through Senior level.


BMGT 3490 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Student will registe r for course in the field of study ("XXX"). Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4 or Sophomore through Senior level. The cours e will be one to four hours of credit. Prere quisite: Written consent of the supervising professor and the Dean prior to registration.