BMGT 4190 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Student will registe r for course in the field of study ("XXX"). Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4 or Sophomore through Senior level. The cours e will be one to four hours of credit. Prere quisite: Written consent of the supervising professor and the Dean prior to registration.


BMGT 4290 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Student will registe r for course in the field of study ("XXX"). Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4 or Sophomore through Senior level. The cours e will be one to four hours of credit. Prere quisite: Written consent of the supervising professor and the Dean prior to registration.


BMGT 4322 Entrepreneurship & Small Bus Mngmnt

The study of starting and managing a small business will be centered around a business plan. This will include formulating a business idea, assessing the market potential, selecting a location, selecting a legal form of organization, arranging financing, securing necessary supplies, meeting governmental regulations, securing and retaining appropriate employees, instituting accounting records, establishing appropriate controls, and developing production systems. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BMGT 3310, BMKT 3311, BFIN 3311, and senior standing. Spring only.


BMGT 4340 International Management

This course examines the challenges facing managers that are competing in a global economy. Students learn to apply management concepts and techniques in a multinational, multicultural environment. In particular, students will obtain a working knowledge of the customs, cultures, and management practices of the major economic countries in the world. Global managers in today's world must be comfortable not only in dealing with internal managerial issues confronting their organizations but also external issues including the political, legal, theological, geographical and economic environments. Prerequisite: BMGT 3310.


BMGT 4349 Strategic Management & Policy

Skills learned in many disciplines such as Management, Finance, and Marketing will be integrated to solve business case problems. Chief executive-level decision making under conditions of uncertainty will be practiced. Prerequistes: BACC 2312, BFIN 3311, BMGT 3310, and BMKT 3311, taken during final semester.


BMGT 4390 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Student will registe r for course in the field of study ("XXX"). Course level ("V") may range between 2 and 4 or Sophomore through Senior level. The cours e will be one to four hours of credit. Prere quisite: Written consent of the supervising professor and the Dean prior to registration.


BMGT 4391 Special Topics

Organized classes to explore specialized problems in an area of Management. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.


BMGT 4395 Internship in Management

This course permits students to enhance their knowledge within their major field of specialization through application of concepts, principles, and techniques learned in the classroom. It consists of supervised paid work as a professional-level intern for an employer with an approved internship program. Application must be approved prior to registration. Prerequisite: Senior standing, 3.0 GPA in major and overall, and consent of the Dean.


BMGT 4490 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidance of a faculty member. Prerequisite: Written consent of the supervising professor and the Dean prior to registration.