CST 300 Communication Research

Introduces students to quantitative research methods used to study human communication. Designed to prepare students to be critical consumers of research reports.



MTH 161

CST 301 Media and Society

Provides students theory and analysis necessary to understand mass media processes and messages as they shape personal, cultural, political, economic and civic life. History and contemporary development of media forms and processes are investigated.


CST 307 Advanced Public Speaking

Students attain advanced public speaking skills through the study and application of rhetorical elements. Emphasis is on persuasive speaking.



CST 107

CST 320 Rhetorical Theory and Criticism

Introduces students to theories and concepts of rhetoric useful in understanding and evaluating persuasive public communication.


CST 327 Argumentation and Advocacy

This course examines how to scrutinize, assess and create arguments. Students will learn the nature, uses and limits of argumentation and study arguments in political, religious and social rhetorical contexts, exploring fallacies in argument, the nature of causal reasoning, formal argument analysis and argumentative chains and clusters. Attention is given to cultural standards of reasoning, evidence and refutation.


CST 332 Collaborative Group Leadership

The course teaches group and stakeholder theory and focuses on the skills of collaboration, consensus-decision making, and brainstorming. Students are prepared to lead and facilitate groups, especially groups that interact intra and/or inter-organizationally. Students learn how and when to share power among diverse group members, thus preparing them to lead groups.


CST 333 Applied Organizational Communication Skills

In an organizational simulation, students design and develop oral and written communication skills. Critical thinking, web page design, job descriptions, mission statements, employment and performance appraisal interviews, group decision-making and a variety of business writing formats are developed.


CST 352 News Writing and Reporting

Instruction in news gathering, evaluating news, and writing typical news stories. Includes a variety of assignments such as hard news, cultural events, speeches, sports, and interviews. Practice work includes covering local assignments and preparing copy.


CST 361 Introduction to Advertising

Study of theory, practical, and ethical aspects of the advertising business. The course includes guest lectures and interviews with professionals.



CST 352 or corequisite.


CST 352 or prerequisite.

CST 362 Introduction to Public Relations

Survey course provides understanding of the role of public relations in the profit-making and non-profit sectors, and specific working knowledge of the various facets of the public relations process, including social media. Planning and implementing public campaigns will be discussed.



CST 352 or corequisite.


CST 352 or prerequisite.

CST 363 Online Journalism

A critical introduction to online journalism, in which students will select, create, edit, write, and format content for online publication. Instruction and experience in publishing multimedia news stories, blogging, and utilizing social media for news fathering and dissemination. Evaluating and critiquing online journalistic forms and practices.


CST 364 Visual Communication

Study of effective communication of visual messages in the mass media. Students will learn design, concept, and composition strategies for visual media by learning and using visual crafting and formatting software.


CST 391 Seminar

Credit arranged.
