EGR 404 Automatic Control Systems

Modeling and control of continuous-time control systems. Topics include feedback, transfer functions, responses in the time and frequency domains, stability, and compensation. Applications include manufacturing and robotics.



MTH 321

EGR 422 Composite Materials

An overview of different types of composite materials; processing and performance characteristics of matrix and reinforcements and their interactions; micromechanics and macromechanics of composites at the lamina and laminate levels; fatigue, creep, and fracture behavior of composites. A project is required as part of the course.



EGR 221, EGR 322

EGR 425 Welding Engineering

Review of different types of welding power sources, processes, and types of electrodes/wires. Basic welding metallurgy, weld joint design, and NDE techniques. A project on weldment analysis is required.



EGR 221

EGR 481 Capstone Project I

Interdisciplinary projects based on engineering and business principles are completed in this course. Literature search, analysis, and written and oral presentations are required. Projects may include feasibility studies, business plans, marketing strategies, and entrepreneurial ideas. Advisors from Business and Engineering help the teams realize their goals. Fee: $40.



Upper division standing in Engineering Management.

EGR 482 Capstone Project II

Interdisciplinary projects based on engineering and business principles are completed in this course. Literature search, analysis, and written and oral presentations are required. Projects may include feasibility studies, business plans, marketing strategies, and entrepreneurial ideas. Advisors from Business and Engineering help the teams realize their goals. Fee: $40.



Upper division standing in Engineering Management.

EGR 490 Directed Study

Selected study, project, or research in engineering for upper-division students. Must be arranged between the student and an individual faculty member, and subsequently approved by the dean of engineering. No more than three of the technical elective hours taken at the University may be satisfied with individualized study.


EGR 491 Seminar

Credit arranged.


EGR 492 Seminar

Credit arranged.


EGR 499 Senior Thesis

Research, study, or original work under the direction of a faculty mentor, leading to a scholarly thesis document with a public presentation of results. Requires approval of thesis director, department chair, dean, and the director of the honors program, when appropriate.



Senior standing; 3.0 G.P.A. in the thesis area or good standing in the honors program.