American Politics

Prerequisite: POL 200 or permission of instructor.

POL 405 Law and the American Judiciary

The role of the law in the United States. Focus on the nature of the court systems at the national, state, and local level, on the nature of the law, on the influence and pressures which shape legal doctrine, and the philosophical and socio-economic issues which arise when analyzing legal doctrines and decisions.



POL 200 or permission of the instrutor.

POL 415 Congress and Legislative Process

An analysis of the role, structure, and policies of the American Congress. This course focuses on the creation, evolution, and powers of the United States congress, congressional elections, the relationship between legislators and constituents, the organization and workings of Congress, changes in the legislative process, and congressional interaction with interest groups, the media, the executive branch, and the Courts.



POL 200 or permission of the instructor.

POL 419 The US Presidency

An examination of the presidency in the American political system. This course examines the founding, development, and institutionalization of the presidency, the growth of presidential power, presidential selection, the role of the president in the executive branch, and the interactions between the president, the media and the other institutions of government.



POL 200 or permission of the instructor.