Segovia, Spain

Advanced classes in Spanish literature and culture are available in Segovia, Spain in odd-numbered summers. All instruction is in Spanish, and students live with Spanish families. Prerequisites are SPN 301 and SPN 302.

Santiago, Chile
Advanced classes in health & welfare and Chilean history are available in Santiago, Chile in  even numbered summers. All instruction is in Spanish, and students live with Chilean families. Prerequisites are SPN 301 and 302.

Toledo, Spain
Intermediate Spanish is available in Toledo, a world famous historical center of Christian, Moorish, and Jewish cultures in the center of Spain. All instruction is in Spanish. Prerequisites are SPN 101 and 102.

Heredia, Costa Rica
Advanced classes in Spanish language are available in this suburb of the Costa Rican capital of San Jose. All instruction is in Spanish. Students live with Costa Rican families. Prerequisites are SPN 201 and 202.