Nonmatriculated Students

Nonmatriculated students are students who apply for admission in order to register for credit but who are not degree-seeking students at the University. Enrollment as a nonmatriculated student implies no commitment on the part of the University regarding regular admission at a later time. Credits earned while in the nonmatriculated classification may but do not necessarily apply toward requirements for a degree should a student later be accepted into a degree program.

Admission as a nonmatriculated student requires that the student submit a nonmatriculated student application to the office of undergraduate admission if they do not have a bachelor’s degree, or to graduate admission if they do. A $50.00 application fee is required, as well as relevant transcripts, and other requested documents prior to their initial registration. If a nonmatriculated student wishes to register for courses in business, nursing, engineering, education, or for upper-division courses in the College of Arts and Sciences, then evidence of adequate preparation for the desired courses will be required.

Nonmatriculated student status at the undergraduate level requires that the student reapply prior to each term. In no case is a student allowed to accumulate more than 15 semester hours or to be enrolled for more than two semesters, and, any such student who accumulates 15 semester hours or two semesters is required to seek regular admission to a degree program in keeping with procedures determined by the Office of Admissions.

Accumulation of more than 9 hours of graduate credit in the nonmatriculated status is not permitted, and any such student who accumulates 9 semester hours is required to seek regular admission to a degree program in keeping with procedures determined by the Graduate School.