ED 400 Pre-Adolescent Curriculum and Instruction

The course is primarily designed to introduce future teachers to school curriculum, instruction, and assessment for students age 3 through grade 8. Candidates gain an understanding of how curriculum, instruction, and assessment are interrelated and how theory and practice must be combined to make appropriate decisions as they complete a simulated pedagogical portfolio. For Education majors and minors only.


ED 403 Language and Communication: Support and Strategies

Focuses on the linguistic and cultural relationships between language and learners including the assessment and evaluation of applied linguistics, the structures and function of spoken and written languages. Candidates practice numerous assessments and language intervention strategies designed as supports for learning, language disabilities, and cultural linguistic differences. For Education majors only.


ED 404 School, Parent, and Community Relations

Emphasizes developing knowledge, understanding, and communication skills to develop and apply the resources of communities and families to meet the students' educational needs. Special attention is given to understanding the concept of family as a social structure and to appreciate the historical, cultural and social forces, which shape the families, school and community. For junior or senior Education majors only.


ED 405 Behavior Support: Consultative and Collaborative

Analyzes and plans toward productive behavior in academic and social settings. Candidates will participate in developing support systems for behavior in the classroom (PreK-transition) by learning alternative forms of intervention as well as collaborative and consultative techniques. For Education majors only.


ED 406 Academic Assessment: Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Learners

Candidates learn to compose an IEP for students with mild disabilities, use relevant assessment methods to identify students' instructional needs and monitor their progress, use the assessment data to inform planning and teaching, participate in field work and practice all knowledge and skills they learn in the course. For Education majors only.


ED 407 Dual Language Education

Candidates develop knowledge, skills, and dispositions for effectively teaching all learners participating in dual language (DL) programs. The course focuses on DL research, advantages and challenges of DL programs, planning, implementing and improving DL programs, DL instruction and assessment, advocating for multilingualism, and collaborating with communities.

ED 408 Functional Assessment: Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Learners

Candidates learn to develop functional prevention and intervention assessment of students with moderate to severe disabilities, observe, sample, and analyze student behavior according to developmental cognitive, social, language, and motor domains in assessing and evaluating progress toward academic and curricular IEP goals and objectives, and understand specialized supports and technology. For Education majors only.


ED 409 Methods and Materials for Teaching ESOL

Candidate learns to select, modify, and evaluate curricular materials for individuals and groups of English as a second language learners taking into account the learners' abilities, learning rates, and styles of learning. Candidates are also given field practice time to work with ESOL individuals using the methods and materials discussed in class. For Education majors only.


ED 410 Linguistics

Examines and applies the major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and acquisition of language as a system. This includes a focus on the components of language, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, semiotics, discourse varieties, aspects of social and academic language, rhetorical registers, and writing conventions.


ED 411 Assessment

Examines various theories and current practices in employing discrete and holistic assessment to inform instruction and measure student learning. Formative and summative techniques in traditional and performance-based approaches, and the aggregation and disaggregation of student data to inform instructional practices in diverse classrooms are some of the topics explored. For Education majors only.


ED 414 Children's and Adolescent Literature and Library

Examines various genres of literature, pre-primary through grade 8. Includes book selection appropriate to age and interest level. The course uses literature to enrich integrated school curriculum and demonstrates techniques for increasing reading motivation and teaching through print and technological media.


ED 424 Technology in Education

Designed to help students become more proficient and effective when teaching with technology. Students will examine theory, issues, and concerns important when implementing technology and enhancing media and technology literacy; explore the impact of technology on today’s schools; develop skills for integrating technology to enhance learning; and experiment with hardware and software for increased teacher productivity.


ED 425 Intercultural and Civil Rights Education

Includes the content of comparative education and global education. Emphasis on multicultural education, civil rights, student and teacher rights in the context of school law and discrimination awareness with emphasis on school applications.


ED 426 Pre-Adolescent Classroom Relationships and Management

Emphasizes proactivity, problem-solving and communication in age 3 through grade 8 classrooms as the means for creating productive learning environments. Offers insights and strategies for working with students from diverse backgrounds and learning styles, and for establishing effective classroom relationships, procedures, and routines that encourage students' intellectual, personal, and moral development. Field work required. For Education majors and minors only.



ED 330 or prerequisite.

ED 427 Adolescent Classroom Relationships and Management

Emphasizes proactivity, problem-solving and communication in grades 5-12 classrooms as the means for creating productive learning environments. Offers insights and practical strategies for working with students from diverse backgrounds and learning styles, and for establishing effective classroom relationships, procedures and routines that encourage students' intellectual, personal and moral development. Field work required. For Education majors and minors only.



ED 330 or prerequisite

ED 442 Reading and Language Arts Methods

Develops reading and language arts skills, including speaking, listening and writing from age 3 through grade 8. Emphasizes reading readiness, emergent literacy, assessment, methods, materials, recent research, and theoretically sound practices for improvement and instruction of reading and language arts skills. All coursework is evenly distributed between age 3 and grade 8. Field work required. For Education majors only.


ED 445 Mathematics and Science Methods

Provides opportunities for candidates to explore trends, practices, materials, and resources for teaching mathematics and science to children ages 3 through grade 8. The course primarily includes content-specific methods, materials, and assessments appropriate to an integrated elementary curriculum. Field work required. For Education majors only.


ED 447 Fostering Creativity in the Classroom

Pre-service teachers explore methodology and practice of integrating creativity into P-12 classrooms. Candidates experience a discipline-based arts practice. Candidates will demonstrate skills, concepts, and knowledge of developmentally appropriate material and curriculum through class presentations. For Education majors only.


ED 450 Models of Teaching and Literacy Development

Introduces candidates to basic principles of curriculum planning and a variety of instructional models. Current literacy theory and practice primarily for grades 5-12 classrooms are explored. Candidates acquire various methods for integrating literacy into content-area planning and instruction in ethnically and linguistically diverse classrooms. Field work is required. For Education majors and minors only.


ED 452 Content Methods: Language Arts

Focuses on designing effective language arts curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Candidates learn content-specific instructional and assessment methods and plan lessons that integrate these research-based methods for the diverse student bodies. Coursework will primarily address grades 5-12. Field work required. For Education majors only.


ED 453 Content Methods: Math

This course will focus on designing effective math curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Candidates will learn content-specific instructional and assessment methods and plan, teach, and assess lessons that facilitate learning of important math related knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Field work required. For Education majors only.


ED 454 Content Methods: World Language

Focuses on designing world language curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Candidates learn content-specific instructional and assessment methods and plan, teach and assess lessons that facilitate learning of world language knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Coursework will primarily address grades 5-12. Field work required. For Education majors only.


ED 456 Content Methods: Social Studies

Focuses on the design of effective social studies curriculum and instruction. Candidates will learn content-specific instructional methods and will plan and teach lessons that integrate these methods. Coursework will primarily address grades 5-12. Field work required. For Education majors only.


ED 457 Content Methods: Science

Provides opportunities for candidates to explore trends, practices, materials, and resources for teaching science. Primarily covers instructional methodologies and assessment for science in grades 5-12. Field work required. For Education majors only.


ED 464 Reading Practicum P-12

Practicum is a supervised field experience that provides opportunities for candidates to meet professional competencies as recommended by the state and national organizations. Prior approval by Reading Faculty Advisor. For Education majors only.


ED 466 Practicum

Opportunity to blend study and practice in a specialized area such as a field placement. Regardless of setting, the practicum is under the direction of a university instructor. Candidate is expected to develop a proposal for study which must be approved by instructor, assistant dean, and the dean. May be repeated up to 9 hours.

Credit arranged.

ED 468 Special Education Practicum P-12

Practicum is a supervised field experience that provides opportunities for candidates to meet professional competencies as recommended by the state and national organizations.


ED 469 ESOL Practicum P-12

ED 469/569 Practicum is a supervised field experience that provides opportunities for candidates to meet professional competencies as recommended by the state and national organizations. For Education majors only.


ED 470 Multi-Subject (Elementary) Student Teaching

Provides student teachers opportunities to apply professional and pedagogical principles in a classroom and school community. Student teachers assume major responsibilities on a part time basis of the wide range of teaching duties under the direction of qualified personnel and will produce a Unit Plan portfolio demonstrating acquired professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions. For Education majors only.


ED 471 Single-Subject (Secondary) Student Teaching

Provides student teachers opportunities to apply professional and pedagogical principles in a classroom and school community. Student teachers assume major responsibilities on a part time basis of the wide range of teaching duties under the direction of qualified personnel and will produce a Unit Plan portfolio demonstrating acquired professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions. For Education majors only.


ED 472 Multi-Subject (Elementary) Student Teaching

Provides student teachers opportunities to apply professional and pedagogical principles in a classroom and school community. Student teachers assume major responsibilities on a full time basis of the wide range of teaching duties under the direction of qualified personnel and will produce an edTPA portfolio demonstrating acquired professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions. For Education majors only.


ED 473 Single-Subject (Secondary) Student Teaching

Provides student teachers opportunities to apply professional and pedagogical principles in a classroom and school community. Student teachers assume major responsibilities on a full time basis of the wide range of teaching duties under the direction of qualified personnel and will produce an edTPA portfolio demonstrating acquired professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions. For Education majors only.


ED 475 Single-Subject (Secondary) Student Teaching: Advanced

Student teachers continue to apply professional and pedagogical principles in a classroom and school community. Student teachers assume full-time teaching responsibilities for an extended period of time under the direction of qualified personnel. An edTPA portfolio is required. For Education majors only.


ED 476 Multi-Subject (Elementary) Student Teaching: Advanced

Student teachers continue to apply professional and pedagogical principles in a classroom and school community. Student teachers assume full-time teaching responsibilities for an extended period of time under the direction of qualified personnel. An edTPA portfolio is required. For Education majors only.


ED 480 Elements of Reading P-12

Studies components of the reading process and the various operations performed while reading. Candidates develop empathy and respect for the learner of reading while exploring the stages of reading and the particular operations and strategies necessary in the ability to be a reader. Required for reading endorsement. For Education majors only.



ED 442 or ED 450, permission of instructor.

ED 481 Language, Literacy & Culture

Introduces candidates to the broad areas of language and culture relevant to P-12 classrooms. Introduces theories, materials, and methods for reading/language instruction for diverse classrooms. Candidates develop empathy and respect for students with language and cultural differences. Required for reading and ESOL endorsement. Field work arranged by instructor may be required.


ED 482 Content Area Literacy

Reviews current theory, knowledge and practice of reading and written communication for students in grades 4-12. Integrates pedagogical knowledge of literacy development of theory into practice. Candidates learn methods for facilitating the use of reading and writing skills in the content area classroom. An emphasis is placed on teaching for diversity and developing empathy and respect for all learners.


ED 483 Diagnosis and Instruction of Learning Problems Related to Reading and Language Differences P-12

Studies theories, strategies, assessment methods, case studies of assessment, diagnosis, and instruction of reading-related learning problems which exist in P-12 classrooms. Focuses on working with individual learners problems in reading and the language arts related to diverse learners. Required for reading endorsement. Field work required. For Education majors only.


ED 486 Single-Subject (Secondary) Seminar for Student Teachers

Provides student teachers opportunities to examine accomplishments and share concerns regarding their teaching performance primarily in grades 5-12 classrooms. Student teachers will acquire information about transition to the profession, professional development plans, and information about initial and continuing licensure. For Education majors only.


ED 487 Multi-Subject (Elementary) Seminar for Student Teachers

Provides student teachers opportunities to examine accomplishments and share concerns regarding their teaching performance primarily in age 3 through grade 8 classrooms through participation in group discussion. Student teachers will acquire information about transition to the profession, professional development plans, and information about licensure. For Education majors only.


ED 490 Directed Study

Credit arranged by student in cooperation with faculty.


ED 491 Seminar

Students engage with faculty and peers in scholarly discussion, analysis, and research-based activities related to educational topics of interest.


ED 492 Seminar

Students engage with faculty and peers in scholarly discussion, analysis, and research-based activities related to educational topics of interest.


ED 495 Workshop

Students work interactively and collaboratively with faculty and peers to deepen professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to educational topics of interest.


ED 496 Workshop

Students work interactively and collaboratively with faculty and peers to deepen professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to educational topics of interest.


ED 499 Senior Thesis

Research, study, or original work under the direction of a faculty mentor, leading to a scholarly thesis document with a public presentation of results. Requires approval of thesis director, department chair, dean, and the director of the honors program, when appropriate.

Credit arranged.


Senior standing; 3.0 G.P.A. in the thesis area or good standing in the honors program.