ED 101 Aim for Excellence

The aim of this class is to allow for an immersion experience in the culture of the University of Portland.  Basic study skills such as improved reading comprehension, communication with professors, development of memory skills, critical thinking skills, application skills and the important time management skill will all be emphasized among other important abilities that a freshmen must master.

ED 102 University Success

The University Success Class is specifically designed for students who have experienced difficulties and challenges with academic work.  The course is designed to create greater academic success and in some cases, free a student from the burden of academic probation.

ED 103 Sharing Success

This course emphasizes the methods and pedagogy of teaching university study skills, such as time management, developmental reading comprehension, vocabulary development, and test taking skills. Methods of instruction and resources are also emphasized.

ED 150 Introduction to Education

Explores the profession of education and what is required to be a teacher whose values include life-long learning, empathy, and respect. Candidates will examine philosophical and current education issues and the professional attributes needed as a teacher in a diverse society. Through a weekly field experience candidates observe and assist P-12 teachers.