ENG 401 Seminar in British Literature I

Research and development of an extended argument informed by critical debates; topics to rotate and may include "Chaucer," "Otherness in Early Modern English," and "British Modernism". May be repeated once for credit. English majors only or instructor permission.



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ENG 402 Seminar in American Literature I

Research and development of an extended argument informed by critical debates; topics to rotate and may include "American Romanticism," and "Naturalism and Dystopia." May be repeated once for credit. English majors only or instructor permission.



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ENG 403 Seminar in Topic I

Research and development of an extended argument informed by critical debates; topics to rotate and may include "Telling/Retelling," "Economics & Ethics," and "Posthumanism." English majors only or instructor permission. 



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ENG 404 Seminar in Non-Western Literature I

Research and development of an extended argument informed by critical debates; topics to rotate and may include "Postcolonial Literature," "Indian Literature," and "Modern Chinese Literature." Restricted to English majors or with instructor permission.



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ENG 493 Research

Involves students in professional-level research by assisting faculty in research or creative projects. An opportunity for mentoring beyond the classroom and involvement in processes and procedures of research and publication. Work will vary, but could include researching primary and secondary materials, summarizing articles and books, compiling bibliographies, indexing, copy editing, manuscript preparation, and dissemination of manuscripts.


ENG 497 English Internship

Academic internships are available for qualified students (3.0 G.P.A.; 3.25 G.P.A. in English). Internships provide English majors with job experience pertinent to the study of English. The internship may be taken for one to three credit hours, and the credit can apply to the English major. Students may receive an IP (In Progress) grade until the completion of their internship.


ENG 499 Senior Capstone Seminar

Seminar course required of all majors, with emphasis on applying and mastering all major skills (close reading, critical thinking, integration of sources, and persuasive writing) through the development of individual research project from portfolio of prior course assignments. English majors only.



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