NRS 202 Nutrition

Introductory nutrition course detailing nutrients and how the body handles them; diet planning principles that support good health; the special nutrient needs of people throughout the life cycle and with specific disease states; and practical clinical nursing applications relating to nutrition and patient care.


NRS 203 Life Processes Across the Lifespan

Introduction to human growth and development across the lifespan. Foundational for all clinical nursing courses, this course is an introduction to theories of human physical, cognitive and psychosocial development, and an exploration of integrative health lifestyle practices.



NRS 101, BIO 205 or corequisites.


NRS 101, BIO 205 or prerequisites.

NRS 204 Foundations in Health Assessment

Students learn foundational nursing knowledge, attitudes, values, and health assessment skills to promote health and wellness across the lifespan. Students learn the complexity of the healthcare delivery system and the role of the professional nurse in that system. Students integrate and apply principles developed in NRS 116 and NRS 216 in delivering basic nursing care.



NRS 116, NRS 216


NRS 206, NRS 207

NRS 206 Professional Practice: Health Assessment

Students learn foundational knowledge about health and wellness across the lifespan. Students acquire foundational nursing knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide ethical, evidence-based care. Students begin to integrate nursing theory, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and integrative health principles in combined skills laboratory and simulation experiences. Fee: $380



NRS 204, NRS 207

NRS 207 Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Health Assessment

Students in this seminar course will synthesize health assessment didactic and clinical learning. Students will participate in health assessment clinical reasoning learning activities. Evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and informatics will be incorporated.



NRS 204, NRS 206

NRS 208 Transition into Professional Nursing

Students new to the University of Portland School of Nursing learn supportive knowledge and skills attained by four-year students in NRS 104, NRS 116, and NRS 216. Foundational cognitive and affective learning strategies will be incorporated to provide transfer students the necessary knowledge to enter upper division nursing.



NRS 204, NRS 206, NRS 207

NRS 216 Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan II

Students in this advanced course apply the foundations of integrative health and wellness to a variety of populations across the lifespan. Students build upon knowledge from the prerequisite course applying population health frameworks to further explore theories and principles of health, wellness, nutrition, genetics and determinants of health. Fee: $110



NRS 104, NRS 116