Biblical Studies

 Restricted to Theology majors and minors.

THE 402 Poets, Prophets, Divas, and Diviners

This course explores the prophetic tradition in ancient biblical and contemporary times. Selected texts are read in context of present-day global realities to discover how these texts shape cultures and worldviews, and how cultures and worldviews inform our reading of the biblical prophets. Topics include the God, gender, power, justice, empire, ecology, hope, what it means to be proophetic today, among others.



THE 101 or THE 105, THE 205

Cross Listed Courses

THE 302

THE 404 Sages and Singers, Songwriters and Storytellers

This course explores the wisdom writings of ancient biblical and contemporary gurus to discover how wisdom is a gift received from God and daily life. The course invites personal and group reflection aimed at celebration of life and the exploration of contemporary situations in need of wise decision-making skills.



THE 101 or THE 105, THE 205

Cross Listed Courses

THE 304

THE 405 Comparing Religions of the World

This course focuses on the comparative study of religions. It will investigate the definition of “religion” and then analyze several traditions in the context of this definition. Finally, it will compare these traditions to one another with regard to certain topics, such as worship, the soul, and the place of women. 



THE 105 and THE 205

Cross Listed Courses

THE 305

THE 406 The Bible in a Global Village

This course includes reading and discussion of selections from both the Old and New Testaments. We will discuss elements of race and class, as well as gender and sexuality, as we take historical, cultural, and political contexts into consideration with the goal of applying the realities of biblical cannon and applying them to our societies and cultures today.


THE 105 and THE 205

Cross Listed Courses

THE 306

THE 407 Theology and Controversy in the Letters of Paul

As a first century missionary, theologian and letter writer, Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul) articulated many of Christianity's basic beliefs and presided over some of Christianity's earliest controversies. This course examines his letters as a way of gaining access to the concerns, the theology, and the growing pains of some of the very first Christians on record.



THE 101 or THE 105, THE 205

Cross Listed Courses

THE 307

THE 412 Jesus' Ministry in the Gospels

Our most important information on Jesus comes from the Gospels. This course examines the theology and history contained in the gospels in order to gain an understanding of who Jesus was and how his message was received and developed by the early church. In alternating semesters, the course will focus on John, or on Matthew, Mark and Luke.



THE 101 or THE 105, THE 205

Cross Listed Courses

THE 312

THE 415 Ancient Views on Marriage, Divorce, and Sexuality at the Dawn of Christianity

During the first century of Christianity, the Roman Empire was a complex marketplace of ideas on sexual morality. This course explores the roots, the development and the legacy of early Christian theology on sexual practices and gender relations.



THE 101 or THE 105, THE 205

Cross Listed Courses

THE 315

THE 417 Trickery, Gender, Power, and Politics in the Bible

This course explores questions and issues around gender in the biblical text and how these issues and questions relate to contemporary life. Content focuses on the cultural background of both men and women in the ancient world, and how various attitudes have influenced cultures, decisions, and worldviews down through the ages. Emphasis is on liberation and transformation.



THE 101 or THE 105, THE 205

Cross Listed Courses

THE 317

THE 419 Biblical Spirituality: Saints and Sinners on a Journey with God

What does it mean to be holy? Who are the saints and sinners in the Bible? How does God relate to them? What is meant by the sacredness of all creation? This course explores such themes as the spirit, the heart, prayer, sacred space, etc. in the context of a biblical-based contemplative and mystical understanding of life.



THE 101 or THE 105, THE 205

Cross Listed Courses

THE 319