Teaching Load


  1. The normal teaching load is twelve hours per week. Administrative responsibilities, graduate teaching, major advisory obligations and committee duties, and professional activities such as research, writing, and artistic production are considered as equivalent to some part of this load.
  2. If for illness or some other reason faculty members are incapacitated, the departments arrange to carry their work if possible. In case of prolonged absences, the University reassigns or discontinues their courses or selects substitutes and determines and pays their salaries. During the time faculty members' courses are reassigned or discontinued or substitutes are employed, the University pays the faculty members their regular salaries for a maximum of three months. After three months, if faculty members are unable to return to work, they may apply for temporary disability benefits under the denominational medical retirement plan, provided they have completed the required years of service as specified by the General Conference Working Policy. After having received three months' salary from the University, faculty members having less than the required years of service as defined by the General Conference Working Policy receive, while still disabled, special disability assistance through the General Conference of one month's salary for each year of denominational service.