2.1.8 Chair of Faculty


The Chair of the Faculty and the Associate Chair of the Faculty are responsible to the faculty and serve the University’s mission. The Chair of the Faculty serves as the voice of the faculty to the administrative leadership of the University. The Chair promotes the morale and well-being of the faculty, advocates for the needs of both the faculty as a whole and individual members, and promotes faculty performance. The Chair of the Faculty is not an administrative position.


  1. The responsibility of the Chair of the Faculty is primarily to lead the participation of the faculty in the system of shared governance and to represent the views of the faculty to the administration and, through the President, to the Board of Trustees. To carry out this mission, the Chair shall have the following duties:
    1. As leader of faculty participation in the governance system,

      i. Serve as Chair of the University Senate

      ii. Serve as Vice Chair of the University Assembly

      iii. Serve as a member of the executive committee of the University Senate

    2. As a representative of faculty perspectives at executive levels of the University,

      i. Serve as a member of the President’s Cabinet

      ii. Serve as an invitee to the Board of Trustees

      iii. Call ad hoc meetings of the faculty to facilitate faculty perspectives

    3. As a member of key committees responsible for faculty well-being,

      i. Serve on Faculty Development Committee

      ii. Serve on Budget Committee

    4. As an advocate for the faculty,

      i. Coordinate (along with the Vice Chair and Director of Human Resources) the periodic evaluation of the administration and meet with the president to consider the results of each evaluation

      ii. Coordinate (along with the Senate Executive Committee and the chair of Governance Handbook Committee) the periodic evaluation of the governance process

      iii. Attend and/or consult with governance committees as requested

  2. The Chair and Associate Chair of the Faculty must be tenured faculty members of professor or associate professor rank with at least two years of employment at Walla Walla University. Candidates must have experience with and demonstrate interest in the governance system. They are elected by the faculty from a ballot prepared by the Nominating Committee. The term of office is one year and may be extended to two years. The Associate Chair does NOT automatically become Chair of the Faculty. Should the Chair and/or Associate Chair of the Faculty agree to serve a second year, faculty will vote on an accept/refer ballot prepared by Nominating Committee.

  3. The Associate Chair of the Faculty is responsible to the Chair of the Faculty, serves as chair of University Senate Executive Committee, and is a member of Nominating Committee. The Chair of the Faculty may designate the Associate Chair to attend or chair meetings in his/her absence. In the event that the Chair of the Faculty is unable to fulfill a term, the Associate Chair will assume the position of Chair of the Faculty and serve the remainder of the unfulfilled term.

  4. The Chair and Associate Chair of the Faculty are responsible for overseeing Administrative Evaluations (see 3.2.4 University Senate, Policy of Administrative Evaluations).

  5. The Chair of the Faculty will be given consideration in recognition of service. Consideration options are determined by the Vice President for Academic Administration and approved by University Senate (see Appendix P: University Senate Chair Consideration).