Women’s and Gender Studies B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in Women’s and Gender Studies is achieved by the completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for the degree:

Required Core Courses

WGS 102/HIS 102West Civ II:Std in Gendr (HIS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 124Intro to Women's & Gender Stds

1 Course Credit

WGS 127Riding the Waves of Feminism

1 Course Credit

WGS 315Classic Texts in Women's & Gen

1 Course Credit

WGS 350Seminar I

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

WGS 450Seminar II

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

One of the following:

One (1) additional course from the following:

WGS 111/HLT 111Human Sexuality (HLT)

1 Course Credit

WGS 302/ENG 302Intro to Queer Theory (ENG)

1 Course Credit

Two (2) additional courses, one chosen from a Social Science area, and one from a Humanities area, as follows:

Social Science Area
WGS 202/AFR 202/PSC 202Women & Afr Amer-Pol (AFR/PSC)

1 Course Credit

WGS 207/CFS 207Family Relations (CFS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 220/APS 220Gender in Appalachia (APS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 225/AFR 225/APS 225/PSJ 225/SENS 225Envr Justice(AFR/SENS/PSJ/APS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 236/HLT 236Women & Health (HLT)

1 Course Credit

WGS 310/COM 310Communication and Gender (COM)

1 Course Credit

WGS 325/SOC 325Gender and Sex Roles (SOC)

1 Course Credit

WGS 366/CFS 366Cross-Cultrl Persp-Fam(CFS)

1 Course Credit

Humanities Area
WGS 135/AFR 135/ENG 135Afr-Amer Women Writer(AFR/ENG)

1 Course Credit

WGS 211/REL 211Rel, Spirituality, Gender(REL)

1 Course Credit

WGS 212/AFR 212/ENG 212Lit-Caribbean Women (ENG/AFR)

1 Course Credit

WGS 237/ENG 237Women and Literature (ENG)

1 Course Credit

A total of 10 courses is required.