Section 9: Training

Student Training - The College shall provide training for students, which shall include: (a) encouragement to report incidents of Sexual Violence, (b) information on how to report Sexual Violence to campus safety or local law enforcement and the ability to pursue law enforcement proceedings simultaneously with a Title IX grievance, (c) general information on Title IX, (d) what constitutes Sexual Violence under the College’s policies, (e) the College’s definition of consent as applicable to sexual conduct, including examples, (f) information on when unwelcome sexual conduct creates a Hostile Environment, (g) places where students can seek confidential support services, (h) reporting and confidential disclosure options, (i) grievance procedures used to process complaints of Sexual Violence (and other forms of Sexual Misconduct), (j) disciplinary code provisions relating to Sexual Violence (and other forms of Sexual Misconduct) as well as the consequences of violating those provisions, (k) effects of trauma on victims (l) the role alcohol and drugs often play in Sexual Violence incidents, including the deliberate use of alcohol and/or other drugs to perpetuate Sexual Violence, (m) strategies and skills for bystanders to intervene to prevent possible Sexual Violence, (n) Title IX’s protections against retaliation, (o) persons on campus to whom students can confidentially report incidents of Sexual Violence, (p) an explanation that students do not need to determine whether incidents of Sexual Violence or other Sexual Harassment created a Hostile Environment before reporting the incident, and (q) other information relevant to reducing or eliminating incidents of Sexual Misconduct and mitigating its effects.

Resident Advisers Training - The College shall provide the following training for Resident Advisers: (a) information on how and where students can seek confidential support services, (b) contact information for local rape crisis centers or other off-campus resources so that RAs can provide this information to students, and (c) reporting and other responsibilities for RAs as Responsible Employees under this policy.

Faculty and Staff Training - The College shall provide training, on an annual basis, for all faculty and staff about Sexual Misconduct and the prohibition of sexual discrimination, including Sexual Misconduct, under this policy. Training shall include practical information about (a) how to prevent and identify Sexual Violence, including same-sex Sexual Violence; (b) behaviors that may lead to and result in Sexual Violence; (c) the attitudes of bystanders that may allow conduct to continue; (d) the potential for revictimization by responders and its effect on students or other victims; (e) appropriate methods for responding to a student or other victim who may have experienced Sexual Violence, including the use of nonjudgmental language; (f) the impact of trauma on victims; and (g) the person(s) to whom such misconduct must be reported.

Special Training for Responsible Employees - Responsible Employees are those employees defined in Section 5. Responsible Employees shall be trained so that they will know how to respond properly to Sexual Misconduct complaints.

Special Training for Title IX Coordinator and Others Involved in Grievance Procedure - The College shall require training for the Title IX Coordinator, others who receive complaints, investigators, and grievance adjudicators

Special Training for Pastoral and Professional Counselors - The College shall instruct pastoral and professional counselors to inform students:

  • Of their right to file a Title IX complaint with the College and a separate complaint with campus or local law enforcement.
  • They are available to assist the student in filing such complaints.
  • Title IX includes protections against retaliation.
  • College officials will not only take steps to prevent retaliation but also take strong responsive action if it occurs.

Pastoral and professional counselors shall be trained to ensure that they understand the extent to which they may keep a report confidential and to avoid disclosing personally identifiable information.

Approved by Administrative Committee: March 31, 2015; April 7, 2015

Approved by General Faculty Assembly: April 7, 2015

Adopted by the Board of Trustees: April 18, 2015

Effective Date: August 1, 2015