Emergency Evacuation

Individual Responsibility in Evacuation

A resident or user of any campus building has the responsibility to familiarize one's self with the evacuation procedure posted in each building. Be aware of evacuation routes and of the location of exits, stairwells, phones, and elevators.

Persons with disabilities who may need assistance should inform College personnel, including the Director of Disabilities and Accessibility Services (in the Office of Academic Services) and the Department of Public Safety, of the nature of the disability and the type of assistance that may be needed. Residential students also must inform their Hall Coordinator and Student Life Team member of the accommodations needed. Students also should notify labor supervisors and instructors because evacuation may be required from the workplace, classroom, or laboratory.

Evacuation procedures begin with the sound of a building alarm. Immediately move to the nearest stairway and exit the building. Do not use elevators during fire evacuation. If immediate exit is not possible, move a safe distance away from the danger area.

Individuals who must stay in place until emergency personnel arrive should be sure to inform another person of their specific location so they can inform the emergency responders. If you are unable to make telephone contact, call Public Safety at 985-3333 (campus extension 3333) or dial 911 to provide information about their location. They should give their name and location and describe the emergency and any special needs they might have. (Also see Campus Safety and Security and the Department of Public Safety Web site at www.berea.edu/publicsafety.)