Pre-Health Professions Program (including Pre-Medicine/Pre-Dental)

Berea College has a broad and vigorous Pre-Health Professions Program.  Through this curricular program, students interested in pursuing numerous health careers can begin their foundational studies.  The Pre-Medicine and Pre-Dental Programs are included under the Pre-Health Professions umbrella.  Pre-Medicine and Pre-Dental are curricular/extra-curricular programs, not academic majors.  Students interested in preparing for medical or dental school can select any academic major.  Students most frequently major in Biology, Chemistry or Psychology because their major coursework overlaps with many medical and dental school admission prerequisites.  Pre-medical and pre-dental prerequisite coursework does not, however, preclude students from majoring in other natural or social sciences or the humanities.

Detailed advising and curriculum guides for the Pre-Medicine and Pre-Dental Programs can be found at the Berea College "Division I: Natural Sciences, Nursing and Mathematics" web site (  Click on the "Pre-Health Professions" link at the right, under Home.  Detailed advising/curriculum guides for other pre-health professions can also be found at this link including pre-physician assistant, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, pre-occupational therapy, pre-public health, pre-genetic counseling and pre-medical/clinical laboratory science certification.

Students considering medical or dental school (or other non-nursing health professions) are very strongly encouraged to contact a member of the Pre-Medical/Dental Advisory Committee for assistance with general Pre-Medical/Dental (or other health career) curriculum planning.  Current members of the Committee include Dr. Dawn Anderson (Biology; past-Chair; MAC118), Dr. Sarah Blank (Biology; MAC325), Dr. Mary Robert Garrett (Chemistry; MAC420), and Dr. Troy Messina (Physics; current Committee Chair; MAC439).   Students with specific questions regarding pre-pharmacy curriculum planning, should contact Dr. Garrett.