High School Students

Various enrollment options are available to high school students.

CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT—High school juniors and seniors may attend the college on this basis enrolling for a maximum of two courses per semester. Credits earned apply toward high school graduation only under highly specific circumstances. The award of high school credit for college coursework is arranged through a student’s high school and does not involve the college in any way. Requirements for admission include submission of the college’s Early Entrance application, high school transcripts, and proof of legal residency upon request. Appropriate placement testing is also required. Parents/legal guardians of students in 8th-10th grades must sign an application addendum. Public and private high schools and home schooling programs also have their own policies and procedures that students must follow (see Programs for High school Student  section for additional information). The college also receives grant funding for special programs for high school students. These programs can have additional requirements. More information is available from the Office of Admissions and Advising.

EARLY ADMISSION—This full-time option is available for high school seniors only. It enables seniors to complete high school graduation requirements at Howard Community College under very specific conditions. Students qualifying for this option are generally required to complete 24-30 credits of college coursework during their senior year, including at least one college-level English composition course. Students must apply for the Early Admission option during their junior year. Application procedures include submission of the college’s Early Entrance application, high school transcripts, college entrance exam scores, and proof of residency. Students must also submit a letter of consent from their high school principal and any other required public, private or home school officials. The college also requires an admission interview attended by the student and a parent or guardian. Students must consult high school personnel regarding specific courses needed to fulfill high school graduation requirements. The college reserves the right to grant consent to enroll for the Early Admission option on a case-by-case basis. Consent to enroll as an Early Admission student is dependent upon what the college determines to be in the student’s and its own best interests.