
Philosophy and Religious Studies - A.A. Degree (Transfer)

An Arts and Sciences Area of Study

Application Code 232

For curriculum information, contact the Arts and Humanities Division—Room HVPA-200—443-518-1480.

This curriculum is designed for students planning to transfer to a four-year institution to major or minor in philosophy or religious studies. Its focus on the capacity to analyze complex arguments and think critically will prepare students for careers in law, international business, international relations, and other fields that require a broad understanding of divergent worldviews and the cultures with which they interact.

General Education Core

Students enrolled in transfer patterns must take a minimum of 30 credits in General Education. Each student’s total of general education and required courses must equal at least 60 semester hours of credit.


Course NumberTitleCredits
ENGL-121College Composition

3 credits

Humanities, Arts and Literature

Course NumberTitleCredits
-Humanities Core Course

-Arts Core Course

-Literature Core Course


One Humanities Core Course (3 credits), plus one Arts Core Course (3 credits), plus one Literature Core Course (3 credits) satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement, OR a World Language Sequence (8 credits), plus another Humanities, Arts, and Literature Core (3 credits) in a second discipline other than a world language satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement.

Social Sciences

Course NumberTitleCredits
-Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Courses


One History Core Course is required and may be taken as either a Social and Behavioral Sciences Core or a Humanities Core. No more than 6 credits may be taken in History to meet Humanities Core and Social and Behavioral Sciences Core requirements.


Course NumberTitleCredits
-Science Core Courses


must include one course with lab


Course NumberTitleCredits
-Mathematics Core Course



Course NumberTitleCredits
Interdisciplinary -Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues Core Course


Required Courses Related to Major

Required Courses

Course NumberTitleCredits
PHIL-101Introduction to Philosophy

3 credits

PHIL-103Introduction to Ethics

3 credits

PHIL-104Introduction to Religious Studies

3 credits

PHIL-141Philosphy & Practice of Yoga

3 credits

PHIL-201Religions of the World

3 credits

Electives – Select 15-18 credits from the following (3 credits each, except where noted):

Course NumberTitleCredits
ENGL-207Ethics in Literature

3 credits

FINE-193Intro. to Women's Studies: Women, Art & Culture

3 credits

HUMN-102The Psychology of Happiness: A Humanities Approach

3 credits

PHIL-102Introduction to Logic

3 credits

PHIL-110Introduction to Chinese Taoism

1 credit

PHIL-111Introduction to Japanese Zen Buddhism

1 credit

PHIL-112Introduction to African Philosophy

1 credit

PHIL-116Fundamentals of Spiritual Awareness

3 credits

PHIL-140The Philosophy and Practice of Tai Chi

3 credits

PHIL-203Civility and the Virtue Tradition

3 credits

PHIL-230Philosophy of the Martial Arts

3 credits

PHIL-260Film and Philosophy

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15-18

Total Credit Hours: 60-69