DMSU-172 Obstetrics/Gynecology Ultrasound I

This course will present the anatomy, physiology, and congenital anomalies of the female pelvis. Obstetrical embryology and fertilization and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester fetal anatomy is also covered. Fetal biometry and routine ultrasound evaluation of the fetus is covered as well. The student is expected to have an understanding of fetal and placental circulation. Lectures include the importance of patient history, laboratory, and other clinical information. Sonographic evaluation of the normal female reproductive structures and all three trimesters of pregnancy are also covered. This course is required to complete the general concentration of the diagnostic medical sonography program.


2 credits


Prerequisite: ENGL-121, MATH-141, BIOL-204, PHYS-101, DMSU-102, and DMSU-112. Corequisites: DMSU-151, DMSU-171, and DMSU-211.