
When used in this code:

  • The term “classroom, lab, or office disruption” means behavior a reasonable person would view as substantially or repeatedly interfering with the conduct of class, lab or college business. Examples range from persisting in speaking without being recognized to resorting to physical threats or nsults.
  • The term “person of his or her choosing” includes students, faculty, staff, or others who provide advice to complainants or respondents. This person may not address hearing bodies, speak in disciplinary conferences, or question witnesses. Furthermore, third parties who are epresentatives of external organizations or who provide legal representation are not permitted in college disciplinary proceedings, whether nformal or formal. However, legal representation is permitted when the student faces concurrent criminal charges.
  • The term “college” means Howard Community College, college owned or controlled property, and all college departments, programs and college sponsored activities.
  • The term “reckless” means conduct which one should reasonably be expected to know would create a substantial risk of harm to persons or property or which would otherwise be likely to result in interference with normal college or college-sponsored activity.
  • The term “student” includes all applicants for credit and noncredit courses and programs sponsored by the college, and any person for whom the college maintains education records, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, and related regulations.
  • The term “college premises” means buildings or grounds owned, leased, operated, controlled, or supervised by the college.
  • The terms “college-sponsored activity” means any activity on or off college premises that is specifically initiated or supervised by the college.
  • The term “complainant” usually means a person who filed the complaint against the student/respondent. In matters of serious misconduct equiring a hearing by the discipline committee, the complainant may be the vice president of student services or designee recommending suspension or expulsion.
  • The term “respondent” is defined as the student accused of violating the Student Code of Conduct.
  • The term “preponderance of evidence” means information that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that it is more likely than not that a student violated the Student Code of Conduct
  • The term “will” is used in the imperative sense. The term “may” is used in the permissive sense.