Services for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Services Office upon admission to the college or when contemplating attending the college. A minimum of two weeks notice before classes ­begin is necessary to schedule some accommodations. This will give the college ample opportunity to respond to any special needs of the student, as well as provide the student an opportunity to see what services are available. Prior to receiving accommodations and services, students must initiate a request with the Disability Support Services Office and supply appropriate documentation of a disability. This information is kept confidential unless the student signs a written waiver of release. Services provided to students with documented disabilities include: advocacy, tutoring, interpreters, notetakers, test-taking accommodations, counseling, and academic advising. Equipment such as computer systems with Kurzweil 3000, text Help!, Dragon Naturally Speaking and Zoomtext is available for student use along with other assistive and adaptive technology, closed circuit TV, tape recorders, listening devices, and magnifiers. Students in need of sign language interpreters must contact the Disability Support Services Office at least two weeks prior to the start of classes. For further information, call 443-518-1300 or 443-518-4606 TDD or come to room RCF-302.