CMSY-262 Encryption and Secure Communications

The course will instruct students on how to leverage and apply the principals of encryption to protect data at rest and in transit over potentially insecure networks. The history and concepts of cryptography will be discussed as well as common tools/practices to encrypt data and store/transmit is securely. Concepts of VPN technologies and secure email will become an integral part of the students' skill set. This course is designed with a network administrator in mind. A fairly extensive background in network administration, or a computer professional with and MCSE or equivalent would have adequate background knowledge for waiver.




CMSY-162 and CMSY-163

Hours Weekly

2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab weekly

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Define the concepts of privileged access and restricted access to certain data.
  2. 2. Understand and identify encryption algorithms.
  3. 3. Demonstrate the use of a packet sniffer in order to determine whether data traversing a network is
  4. 4. Employ the use of public key encryption and SSL for website assurance.
  5. 5. Identify the different tunneling protocols used for VPN connectivity.
  6. 6. Demonstrate the capability to establish a VPN and determine if the traffic is encrypted or not.
  7. 7. Identify specific needs for physical security to protect network systems.

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Define the concepts of privileged access and restricted access to certain data.
  2. 2. Understand and identify encryption algorithms.
  3. 3. Demonstrate the use of a packet sniffer in order to determine whether data traversing a network is
  4. 4. Employ the use of public key encryption and SSL for website assurance.
  5. 5. Identify the different tunneling protocols used for VPN connectivity.
  6. 6. Demonstrate the capability to establish a VPN and determine if the traffic is encrypted or not.
  7. 7. Identify specific needs for physical security to protect network systems.