EXSC-209 Sport and Exercise Nutrition

This course will apply the basic nutritional theories, principles, and concepts to participation in fitness and sports activities. The requirements necessary for participation and performance enhancement for all levels of athletic and exercise performance will be examined. Students will learn to apply the various sports nutrition concepts for recreational to elite level athletes. Course content includes energy systems, hydration, pre-and post-event nutrition, ergogenic aids, weight management, and body composition issues of athletes.



Hours Weekly

3 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Describe human energy metabolism and fuel utilization at rest and during exercise.
  2. 2. Identify the role of macro and micronutrients in exercise performance.
  3. 3. Evaluate energy expenditure and energy intake in relation to physical performance..
  4. 4. Identify guidelines for maintaining optimal hydration for sport and exercise
  5. 5. Explain the appropriate use of sports drinks pre-exercise, during exercise and in recovery following
  6. 6. Suggest eating strategies for pre-exercise and recovery nutrition, eating while traveling and eating on
    competition days.
  7. 7. Explain the special nutritional needs of physically active children, adolescents and vegetarians.
  8. 8. Evaluate various sources of nutritional information for validity and reliability.
  9. 9. Compare and contrast effective, ineffective, and dangerous nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids.
  10. 10. Compare and contrast the nutritional needs of athletes involved in various sports.

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Describe human energy metabolism and fuel utilization at rest and during exercise.
  2. 2. Identify the role of macro and micronutrients in exercise performance.
  3. 3. Evaluate energy expenditure and energy intake in relation to physical performance..
  4. 4. Identify guidelines for maintaining optimal hydration for sport and exercise
  5. 5. Explain the appropriate use of sports drinks pre-exercise, during exercise and in recovery following
  6. 6. Suggest eating strategies for pre-exercise and recovery nutrition, eating while traveling and eating on
    competition days.
  7. 7. Explain the special nutritional needs of physically active children, adolescents and vegetarians.
  8. 8. Evaluate various sources of nutritional information for validity and reliability.
  9. 9. Compare and contrast effective, ineffective, and dangerous nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids.
  10. 10. Compare and contrast the nutritional needs of athletes involved in various sports.