ENTR-227 Capstone: Building and Leading a New Venture

This course will build on the foundation developed in other entrepreneurship courses in the entrepreneurship program. Students will use the entrepreneurial thinking skills they have learned and their earlier experiences to execute a real business opportunity. Students will likely select a business idea that has been developed in an earlier course. Critical to the experience of this class is the question, “How do you build a start-up?” Students will set milestones to move their business forward working with one another as a team, external mentors, business coaches and faculty. This course has deliverables related to key actions and decisions in marketing, finance, customer service and operations.




ENTR-101 or ENTR-225, and ENTR-120

Hours Weekly


A graduate should be able to

  1. 1. Through actual practice, acquire a deeper understanding of how to work as part of a team to launch a new venture.
  2. 2. Complete and present an executable business plan.
  3. 3. Establish, through elements within the business plan, a viable marketing strategy including segmentation, targeting and positioning.
  4. 4. Determine and illustrate the role of finance in a new business venture.
  5. 5. Examine and experience handling the real-world operational challenges and execution risks associated with getting a venture started and building a start-up operation from conception.

A graduate should be able to

  1. 1. Through actual practice, acquire a deeper understanding of how to work as part of a team to launch a new venture.
  2. 2. Complete and present an executable business plan.
  3. 3. Establish, through elements within the business plan, a viable marketing strategy including segmentation, targeting and positioning.
  4. 4. Determine and illustrate the role of finance in a new business venture.
  5. 5. Examine and experience handling the real-world operational challenges and execution risks associated with getting a venture started and building a start-up operation from conception.