Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Late Credit Registration

Once the term has begun, registration will only be permitted in sections that have available seats.

For 15 week classes, students may register for classes that have available seats through the close of business on the fifth business day of a term, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays. After that, the department chair, associate dean, or dean may grant permission for late entry via the late exception request process or a credit section override form. Late exceptions may be made if there are extenuating circumstances, and the request must be submitted to the office of records, registration, and veteran's affairs for review prior to submission to the appropriate academic dean. Dual enrollment requests for late exceptions are reviewed by the admissions and advising director and then forwarded to the appropriate academic dean.

For classes that meet less than 15 weeks, registration is permitted in sections through the first business day after the section start date; after that, late exception request rules apply.

Students who want to register for noncredit classes after sections have begun should contact the division of continuing education and workforce development.