Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Transfer Information and Advising

TRANSFER ADVISING—Transfer advising is essential for all students planning to matriculate to other colleges or universities. From their initial enrollment at HCC until the completion of their studies, students are strongly advised to seek assistance with the transfer process. In order to ensure a successful transfer, it is each student’s responsibility to meet with an academic advisor at least once per term.  Students are also strongly encouraged to meet, whenever possible, with transfer representatives from the institutions to which they plan to transfer. In addition to transfer advising, students are encouraged to use the college resources available and participate in the many transfer activities held on campus such as transfer fairs, information sessions and a variety of transfer and scholarship seminars. Transfer information is also available for students with specific concerns or interests, such as athletes, students with disabilities, and international and immigrant students.

Transfer Services are offered as part of the office of admissions and advising (,, 443-518-1220, RCF-242). The following services are provided:

  • Transfer Website – This website offers access to general information, a transfer activities and events calendar, college and university websites, transfer scholarship information, other online resources, information about articulation agreements, and more.
  • Transfer Fairs – The college conducts general and specialized transfer fairs, including virtual events, during the fall and winter/spring terms to inform students about their many transfer options. Representatives from a broad range of both public and private, and in-state and out-of-state colleges and universities are available to provide information. Specialized transfer fairs are also held for specific majors.
  • Transfer Representative Visits – Representatives from individual schools visit the college throughout the year and are available to meet with students on an individual basis.
  • ARTSYS – An online transfer system designed to provide guidance to students planning to transfer to public colleges and universities, and several private institutions in Maryland.
  • CollegeView – A computer program offering virtual tours of North American college campuses.
  • Specialized Transfer Information – Information is available for students with specific concerns or interests, including information for international students, students with disabilities, athletes and others.
  • Transfer Institution Visits – Visits to other institutions are organized based on interest and special transfer initiatives.