2017-2018 Catalog

Fire Science Technology (FSAAS)

Award: Associate in applied science degree

Program location: South Omaha Campus

This degree provides a unique opportunity to build professional skills and expand career possibilities. Insurance investigators and adjusters, industrial safety specialists, fire protection system designers and professionals, and volunteer firefighters benefit from enrolling in the Fire Science Technology program.

Graduation Requirements

General education


Major requirements


Total credit hours required


General education requirements (27.0 credit hrs.)


English level I

4.5 credits

English level II

4.5 credits

Social sciences

Social science

4.5 credits

Quantitative/numeracy skills

MATH 1240Applied Mathematics

4.5 credits


INFO 1001Information Systems and LiteracyThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

RDLS 1200College Success StrategiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits


HMRL 1010Human Relations SkillsThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

Major requirements for Fire Science Technology (72.0 credit hrs.)

FIST 1000Principles of Emergency Services

3.0 credits

FIST 1020Fire Behavior and Combustion

4.0 credits

FIST 1030Hazardous Materials Chemistry

3.0 credits

FIST 1040Principles of Property and Casualty InsuranceThis is an online course.

3.0 credits

FIST 1050Building Construction for Fire Protection

3.0 credits

FIST 1060Occupational Safety and Health for Emergency Services

3.0 credits

FIST 1070Fire Protection SystemsThis is an online course.

3.0 credits

FIST 1080Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply

4.0 credits

FIST 1090Firefighter I

10.0 credits

FIST 2000Incident Command System

3.0 credits

FIST 2010Fire Investigation I

3.0 credits

FIST 2011Fire Investigation II

3.0 credits

FIST 2020Fire Prevention, Inspection and CodesThis is an online course.

4.0 credits

FIST 2030Legal Aspects of Emergency Services

3.0 credits

FIST 2040Principles of Fire & Emergency Services Safety & Survival

3.0 credits

FIST 2050Introduction to Fire and Emergency Services AdministrationThis is an online course.

3.0 credits

FIST 2060Strategy and Tactics

4.0 credits

FIST 2070Hazardous Materials Operations

3.5 credits

FIST 2090Firefighter II

5.5 credits

EMSP 1010Heartsaver First Aid with CPR and AED

1.0 credit

Total Credit Hours:72.0 credits