2017-2018 Catalog

Auto Collision Technology (ABAS1)

Award: Associate in applied science degree

Program location: Applied Technology Center

This degree covers the entire scope of the field, including basic and advanced metal finishing repair, frame repair and alignment, panel replacement, major body repair, and all aspects of automotive painting using the latest technology.

For entry into the Auto Collision program, a written mechanical reasoning test is required.

Graduation Requirements

General education


Major requirements


Total credit hours required


General education requirements (27.0 credit hrs.)


English level I

4.5 credits

English level II

4.5 credits

Humanities/social sciences

Humanities/social sciences

4.5 credits

Quantitative/numeracy skills

Mathematics or Financial Literacy

4.5 credits


INFO 1001Information Systems and LiteracyThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

HMRL 1010Human Relations SkillsThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits


RDLS 1200College Success StrategiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

Major requirements for Auto Collision Technology (70.5-78.5 credit hrs.)

AUTB 1040Auto Collision Repair Welding

3.0 credits

AUTB 1100Structural Repair I

3.0 credits

AUTB 1110Structural Repair II

3.0 credits

AUTB 1200Nonstructural Repair I

6.0 credits

AUTB 1210Nonstructural Repair II

6.0 credits

AUTB 1220Nonstructural Repair III

6.0 credits

AUTB 2120Structural Repair III

3.0 credits

AUTB 2230Nonstructural Repair IV

6.0 credits

AUTB 2240Nonstructural Repair V

6.0 credits


AUTB 2981Auto Collision Internship

variable credits

AUTB 2241Nonstructural Repair VI

6.0 credits


AUTB 2981Auto Collision Internship

variable credits

AUTB 2300Automotive Refinishing I

3.0 credits

AUTB 2310Automotive Refinishing II

6.0 credits

AUTB 2450Collision Estimating I

3.0 credits

AUTB 2460Collision Estimating II

3.0 credits

AUTB 2550Electrical and Mechanical Systems

3.0 credits

RDLS 1200College Success StrategiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits



4.5 credits

*Elective must be approved by program faculty.

See Curriculum Plan