Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Technician (AUMCA)
Award: Certificate of achievement
Pathway to associate degree: Automotive Technology (AUAAS)
Program location: South Omaha Campus
This certificate of achievement provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary for entry-level positions in the automotive field. This program helps students develop skills in diagnosing and repairing common entry level items, while developing a career path focusing on personal growth. The program presents the fundamentals of automotive systems and emphasizes human relations and critical thinking skills for entry-level technicians.
For more information about educational cost, median loan debt, and other important information related to this program, please visit our website at
Graduation Requirements
General education
Major requirements
Total credit hours required
General education requirements
| English level I | 4.5 credits |
Humanities/social sciences
| Humanities/social sciences | 4.5 credits |
Quantitative numeracy skills
Major requirements for Automotive Technology - Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Technician (36.0 credit hrs.)
AUTT 1110 | Automotive 1: Express Lane | 12.0 credits |
AUTT 1120 | Automotive 2: Introduction to Maintenance | 12.0 credits |
AUTT 1130 | Automotive 3: Automotive Maintenance | 12.0 credits |