2017-2018 Catalog

Manufacturing Process Operations (PRMCC)

Award: Career certificate

Pathway to associate degree:  Process Operations Technology - Manufacturing Process Operations (PRMPO)  

Program location: South Omaha Campus

Students who complete the Manufacturing Process Operations career certificate learn the enhanced skills required for understanding the shift work, processes, and operations found in various manufacturing industries. 

For more information about educational cost, median loan debt, and other important information related to this program, please visit our website at mccneb.edu/Academics/Programs-of-Study/Industrial-Technology/Mechanical-Design-Technology.aspx.

Requirements for Manufacturing Process Operations career certificate (32.0 credit hrs.)

PROT 1000Introduction to Process and Power Operations

variable credits

PROT 1010Safety Topics for Process and Power Operations

variable credits

PROT 1020Introduction to Process Operations in Manufacturing TechnologyThis is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

PROT 1030Introduction to Quality and Continuous ImprovementThis is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

PROT 1302Stationary Engineering I

3.0 credits

ELTR 1200Basic Electricity

8.0 credits

WORK 1401Employability Skills for Process, Power, and Energy-Related Fields

4.5 credits


PROT 2981PROT Internship

4.5 credits