2017-2018 Catalog

Gas Metal Arc Welding (WGMSD)

Award: Career certificate

Pathway to associate degree: Welding Technology (WEAAS)

Program location: South Omaha Campus

This career certificate is for students wishing to concentrate their studies on wire-based processes, procedures, and techniques. Students learn to read prints and interpret welding symbols; safely and skillfully use oxy-fuel, plasma, and air carbon arc cutting processes; safely and skillfully use gas metal arc and flux-cored arc welding equipment; produce sound fillet and groove welds in steel, stainless steel, and aluminum in all positions with gas metal arc welding using short-circuit, spray, and pulsed spray modes of metal transfer; and produce sound fillet and groove welds in steel using flux-cored arc welding.

For more information about educational cost, median loan debt, and other important information related to this program, please visit our website at mccneb.edu/Academics/Programs-of-Study/Industrial-Technology/Welding-Technology.aspx.

Requirements for Gas Metal Arc Welding career certificate (27.0 credit hrs.)

WELD 1000Print Reading for Welders

3.0 credits

WELD 1100Industrial Cutting Processes

3.0 credits

WELD 1200Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) - Steel I

3.0 credits

WELD 2200Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) - Steel II

3.0 credits

WELD 2220Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) - Stainless

3.0 credits

WELD 2230Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) - Aluminum

3.0 credits

WELD 2240Flux-Cored Arc Welding I

3.0 credits

WELD 2241Flux-Cored Arc Welding II

3.0 credits

WELD 2242Submerged Arc and Metal-Cored Welding

3.0 credits