2017-2018 Catalog

Transfer Course Options

Students interested in any of the transfer courses and degrees should work with both an academic advisor from MCC and from the school they wish to transfer to in order to select the best course transfer options. 


Quantitative/Numeracy Skills

MATH 1310Intermediate AlgebraThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

MATH 1410StatisticsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

MATH 1420College AlgebraThis is an online course.

5.0 credits

MATH 1430TrigonometryThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

MATH 1930Applied CalculusThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

MATH 2410Analytic Geometry and Calculus IThis is an online course.

7.5 credits

MATH 2411Calculus IIThis is an online course.

7.5 credits

MATH 2412Calculus IIIThis is an online course.

6.0 credits

MATH 2510Differential Equations

4.5 credits

Computer Sciences

INFO 1003Problem Solving and Programming LogicThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

5.0 credits

INFO 1521Java Programming IThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

INFO 1522C++ Programming IThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

INFO 1523Visual Basic.NET IThis is an online course.

4.5 credits


5.0 credits

INFO 1531Java Programming IIThis is an online course.

4.5 credits


5.0 credits

INFO 1620Introduction to Database DesignThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

INFO 2630Structured Query Language (SQL)This is an online course.

4.5 credits

Cultural Studies

ENGL 2470Introduction to Women's Literature

4.5 credits

ENGL 2490Introduction to Latin American Literature

4.5 credits

ENGL 2530Ethnic Literature

4.5 credits

ENGL 2900Special Topics in Literature

4.5 credits

GEOG 1020World Regional GeographyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

GEOG 1050Introduction to Human GeographyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1050Introduction to Black HistoryThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1060Black Women in the United StatesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1070Traditional and Modern ChinaThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1080Traditional and Modern JapanThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1110World Civilization from Prehistory to 1500This is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1120World Civilization from 1500 to PresentThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

HIST 2200Latin American HistoryThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HUMS 1110Origins of the HumanitiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HUMS 1150The Humanities in the Non-Western WorldThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PHIL 2200Introduction to Comparative ReligionThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

POLS 2070Contemporary Social and Political IssuesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 1100Native American StudiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 1250Introduction to AnthropologyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2060Multicultural IssuesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

GEOG 1050, HIST 1050, HIST 1110, HIST 1120, HUMS 1110HUMS 1150, SOCI 2060: Course can only be used to satisfy one requirement. Students interested in any of the transfer courses and degrees should work with both an academic advisor from MCC and from the school they wish to transfer to in order to select the best course transfer options.

Social Sciences

ECON 1000MacroeconomicsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

ECON 1100MicroeconomicsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

GEOG 1010Fundamentals of GeographyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

GEOG 1020World Regional GeographyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

GEOG 1050Introduction to Human GeographyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1010United States History to 1877This is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1020United States History from 1865 to PresentThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1050Introduction to Black HistoryThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1060Black Women in the United StatesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1070Traditional and Modern ChinaThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1080Traditional and Modern JapanThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1110World Civilization from Prehistory to 1500This is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 1120World Civilization from 1500 to PresentThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

HIST 2050Modern Europe Since 1789This is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 2200Latin American HistoryThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HIST 2220U.S. and Global Military HistoryThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HMRL 1010Human Relations SkillsThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

POLS 2050American National GovernmentThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

POLS 2060The ConstitutionThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

POLS 2070Contemporary Social and Political IssuesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 1010Introduction to PsychologyThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 1110Parenting and Family Problem SolvingThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 1120Human Growth and DevelopmentThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 1130Cognitive DevelopmentThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 2140Behavior Modification and Principles of LearningThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 2150Survey of Human SexualityThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 2350Fundamentals of Abnormal PsychologyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 2450Social PsychologyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 2550Popular Readings in Social ScienceThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PSYC 2650Research MethodsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 1010Introduction to SociologyThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 1050Sociology of HealthcareThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 1100Native American StudiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 1250Introduction to AnthropologyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2050Current Social ProblemsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2060Multicultural IssuesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2110Introduction to GerontologyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2150Survey of Human SexualityThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2160Marital and Family RelationshipsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2310CriminologyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2311Juvenile JusticeThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2450Social PsychologyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2550Popular Readings in Social ScienceThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOCI 2650Research MethodsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SOWK 1010Introduction to Social WorkThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

GEOG 1050, HIST 1050, HIST 1110, HIST 1120, HMRL 1010, SOCI 2060: Course can only be used to satisfy one requirement. Students interested in any of the transfer courses and degrees should work with both an academic advisor from MCC and from the school they wish to transfer to in order to select the best course transfer options.


ARTS 1000Introduction to the Visual ArtsThis is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

ARTS 1110Art History-Ancient to GothicThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

ARTS 1120Art History-Renaissance to ModernThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

CHIN 1110Beginning Chinese IThis is an online course.

7.5 credits

DIMA 1411History of Animation

4.5 credits

ENGL 1310Creative Writing

4.5 credits

ENGL 2450Introduction to LiteratureThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

ENGL 2460Introduction to Short Stories

4.5 credits

ENGL 2470Introduction to Women's Literature

4.5 credits

ENGL 2480Introduction to Drama Literature I

4.5 credits

ENGL 2481Introduction to Drama Literature II

4.5 credits

ENGL 2490Introduction to Latin American Literature

4.5 credits

ENGL 2510American Literature IThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

ENGL 2520American Literature II

4.5 credits

ENGL 2530Ethnic Literature

4.5 credits

ENGL 2610British Literature IThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

ENGL 2620British Literature II

4.5 credits

ENGL 2900Special Topics in Literature

4.5 credits

ENGL 2901Special Topics in Writing

4.5 credits

FREN 1110Elementary French IThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

7.5 credits

FREN 1120Elementary French IIThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

7.5 credits

FREN 2110Intermediate French IThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

FREN 2120Intermediate French IIThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

GERM 1010Elementary German IThis is an online course.

7.5 credits

GERM 1020Elementary German IIThis is an online course.

7.5 credits

HUMS 1000Humanities through the ArtsThis is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

HUMS 1100Classical HumanitiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HUMS 1110Origins of the HumanitiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HUMS 1120The Humanities in the Medieval - Renaissance WorldThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HUMS 1130The Humanities in the Modern WorldThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HUMS 1150The Humanities in the Non-Western WorldThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

HUMS 2310Film History and AppreciationThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

JAPN 1010Beginning Japanese I

7.5 credits

JAPN 1020Beginning Japanese II

7.5 credits

JAPN 2010Intermediate Japanese I

4.5 credits

JAPN 2020Intermediate Japanese II

4.5 credits

JAPN 2030Intermediate Japanese III

4.5 credits

JAPN 2040Intermediate Japanese IV

4.5 credits

MUSC 1010Introduction to Music I

4.5 credits

MUSC 1020Introduction to Music II

4.5 credits

MUSC 1050Music AppreciationThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

MUSC 1110Music Fundamentals I

4.5 credits

MUSC 1120Music Fundamentals II

4.5 credits

PHIL 1010Introduction to PhilosophyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PHIL 1030Professional EthicsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PHIL 1100Critical ReasoningThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PHIL 2030Introduction to EthicsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PHIL 2200Introduction to Comparative ReligionThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

PHIL 2400Philosophy and Literature

4.5 credits

PHIL 2600Contemporary Issues in Philosophy

4.5 credits

SLIS 1010American Sign Language IThis is an online course.

6.0 credits

SLIS 1020American Sign Language IIThis is an online course.

6.0 credits

SPAN 1110Elementary Spanish IThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

7.5 credits

SPAN 1120Elementary Spanish IIThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

7.5 credits

SPAN 2110Intermediate Spanish IThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

SPAN 2120Intermediate Spanish IIThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SPCH 1220Communication in Small Groups

4.5 credits

SPCH 1300Interpersonal Communication

4.5 credits

THEA 1000Introduction to TheatreThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

THEA 2010Script Analysis

4.5 credits

THEA 2020Fundamentals of Acting I

4.5 credits

THEA 2021Fundamentals of Acting II

4.5 credits

THEA 2030Playwriting I

4.5 credits

THEA 2031Playwriting II

4.5 credits

HUMS 1110, HUMS 1120, and HUMS 1150: Course can only be used to satisfy one requirement. Students interested in any of the transfer courses and degrees should work with both an academic advisor from MCC and from the school they wish to transfer to in order to select the best course transfer options.

Natural Sciences

BIOS 1010General BiologyThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

6.0 credits

BIOS 1010LGeneral Biology Lab

0.0 credits

BIOS 1111Biology I

5.0 credits

BIOS 1111LBiology I Lab

0.0 credits

BIOS 1121Biology II

5.0 credits

BIOS 1121LBiology II Lab

0.0 credits

BIOS 1130Biology III

5.0 credits

BIOS 1130LBiology III Lab

0.0 credits

BIOS 1250Environmental BiologyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

BIOS 1310Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology

5.0 credits

BIOS 1310LSurvey of Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab

0.0 credits

BIOS 1400Introduction to Botany

4.5 credits

BIOS 1400LIntroduction to Botany Lab

0.0 credits

BIOS 2050GeneticsThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

BIOS 2150Microbiology

6.0 credits

BIOS 2150LMicrobiology Lab

0.0 credits

BIOS 2310Human Anatomy and Physiology I

6.0 credits

BIOS 2310LHuman Anatomy and Physiology I Lab

0.0 credits

BIOS 2320Human Anatomy and Physiology II

6.0 credits

BIOS 2320LHuman Anatomy and Physiology II Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 1010College ChemistryThis is an online course.

6.0 credits

CHEM 1010LCollege Chemistry Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 1120Chemistry for the Health Sciences I

3.0 credits

CHEM 1120LChemistry for the Health Careers Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 1130Chemistry for Health Sciences II

3.0 credits

CHEM 1130LChemistry for the Health Careers II Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 1210General Chemistry: Part I

2.0 credits

CHEM 1210LGeneral Chemistry: Part I Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 1211General Chemistry: Part II

4.0 credits

CHEM 1211LGeneral Chemistry: Part II Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 1212General Chemistry I: Accelerated

6.0 credits

CHEM 1212LGeneral Chemistry I: Accelerated Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 1220General Chemistry II

6.0 credits

CHEM 1220LGeneral Chemistry II Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 2310Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

6.0 credits

CHEM 2310LFundamentals of Organic Chemistry Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 232AOrganic Chemistry IA

2.5 credits

CHEM 232ALOrganic Chemistry IA Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 232BOrganic Chemistry IB

2.5 credits

CHEM 232BLOrganic Chemistry IB Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 232COrganic Chemistry IC

2.5 credits

CHEM 232CLOrganic Chemistry IC Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 233AOrganic Chemistry IIA

2.5 credits

CHEM 233ALOrganicChemistry IIA Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 233BOrganic Chemistry IIB

2.5 credits

CHEM 233BLOrganic Chemistry IIB Lab

0.0 credits

CHEM 233COrganic Chemistry IIC

2.5 credits

CHEM 233CLOrganic Chemistry IIC Lab

0.0 credits

ENGR 1010Introduction to Engineering Design

4.5 credits

ENGR 1020MATLAB Programming

4.5 credits

ENGR 2010Elements of Electrical Engineering I

4.5 credits

ENGR 2020Engineering Statics

4.5 credits

GEOG 1150Introduction to Physical Geography - Weather and ClimateThis is an online course.

6.0 credits

GEOG 1160Introduction to Physical Geography - LandformsThis is an online course.

6.0 credits

GEOG 1210Introduction to Physical GeologyThis is an online course.

6.0 credits

PHYS 1010Applied Physics

4.5 credits

PHYS 1010LApplied Physics Lab

0.0 credits

PHYS 110APrinciples of Physics IAThis is an online course.

2.5 credits

PHYS 110ALPrinciples of Physics IA LabThis is an online course.

0.0 credits

PHYS 110BPrinciples of Physics IBThis is an online course.

2.5 credits

PHYS 110BLPrinciples of Physics IB LabThis is an online course.

0.0 credits

PHYS 110CPrinciples of Physics ICThis is an online course.

2.5 credits

PHYS 110CLPrinciples of Physics IC LabThis is an online course.

0.0 credits

PHYS 111APrinciples of Physics IIA

2.5 credits

PHYS 111ALPrinciples of Physics IIA Lab

0.0 credits

PHYS 111BPrinciples of Physics IIB

2.5 credits

PHYS 111BLPrinciples of Physics IIB Lab

0.0 credits

PHYS 111CPrinciples of Physics IIC

2.5 credits

PHYS 111CLPrinciples of Physics IIC Lab

0.0 credits

PHYS 210AGeneral Physics IA

2.5 credits

PHYS 210ALGeneral Physics IA Lab

0.0 credits

PHYS 210BGeneral Physics IB

2.5 credits

PHYS 210BLGeneral Physics IB Lab

0.0 credits

PHYS 210CGeneral Physics IC

2.5 credits

PHYS 210CLGeneral Physics IC Lab

0.0 credits

PHYS 211AGeneral Physics IIA

2.5 credits

PHYS 211ALGeneral Physics IIA Lab

0.0 credits

PHYS 211BGeneral Physics IIB

2.5 credits

PHYS 211BLGeneral Physics IIB Lab

0.0 credits

PHYS 211CGeneral Physics IIC

2.5 credits

PHYS 211CLGeneral Physics IIC Lab

0.0 credits

SCIE 1010Physical ScienceThis is an online course.

6.0 credits

SCIE 1010LPhysical Science Lab

0.0 credits

SCIE 1300AstronomyThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

SCIE 1310Astronomy LaboratoryThis is an online course.

1.5 credits

SCIE 1400Introduction to Meteorology

6.0 credits

SCIE 1400LIntroduction to Meteorology Lab

0.0 credits

All courses in a sequence should be taken:  

BIOS 1111/BIOS 1111L, BIOS 1121/BIOS 1121L and BIOS 1130/BIOS 1130L;

CHEM 1120/CHEM 1120L and CHEM 1130/CHEM 1130L;

CHEM 1210/CHEM 1210L and CHEM 1211/CHEM 1211L;

CHEM 1212/CHEM 1212L 

Organic Chemistry, Principles of Physics, and General Physics are taught as a three-course sequence. All three courses must be successfully completed to transfer as a semester-length course.