Enrollment by IHP Faculty in Doctoral Programs at the Institute

Note: This policy applies to voting faculty members who are employed by the Institute greater than 50% time and who have an interest in enrolling in post-entry level (PhD, DNP) doctoral programs offered by the Institute. Faculty members and prospective faculty members wishing to advance to the next degree should familiarize themselves with this policy.

  1. Considerations for those pursuing the Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree:
    1. The DNP program has been made available to current faculty members of the Institute’s School of Nursing.  It is the plan to end this practice effective September 1, 2013.  Faculty members currently enrolled in the DNP program may continue in the program through May 2015, provided they complete program requirements within that period of time. 
    2. Faculty members who will be unable to complete degree requirements within the specified time frame should  apply to the Dean of Nursing for consideration for an extension, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and based on the best interests of the School of Nursing and the Institute.   
  2. Considerations for those interested in pursuing the PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences Degree:
    1. Because some current faculty members may have an interest in pursuing this degree and because it is not widely offered elsewhere, the IHP will provide support for eligible current full-time faculty, under certain conditions.  Faculty members employed at the MGH Institute prior to January 2013 will be able to apply to the program for the 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 academic years. Faculty members applying to the IHP PhD program will be required to apply to and be admitted to the program under the published requirements for admission including all deadlines.
    2. After Fall 2015, no Institute faculty members will be admitted to the PhD program at the IHP, except in special circumstances and with full approval of the Provost and the PhD Admissions committee.
    3. Students in the PhD program must maintain full-time student status in the academic program.  Any scheduling accommodations must be negotiated with the chair and/or dean to allow the faculty member to fully participate fully in the PhD program
    4. Admission to the PhD program will be on a competitive basis, and program capacity will be a factor in determining admission by a faculty member.
    5. If scheduling changes in teaching loads or other responsibilities cannot be negotiated adequately, faculty members who are enrolled in the PhD program must reduce their FTE status in their faculty role (and their proportional salary) to allow adequate time to participate in the program.  All changes in schedule, salary, and time commitment to the faculty role and the student role must be fully documented and clarified among the PhD program director, the responsible dean, the department chair, and the individual faculty member.
      1. As a point of reference for estimating/planning appropriate workloads of Institute faculty members enrolled in the program; the fellowships (clinical, teaching or research) that the program plans to provide to help defray student living expenses are designed to be the equivalent of half-time positions (.5 FTE/20 hours per week) to allow adequate time for students to be fully immersed and successful in pursuing the PhD
  3. Conflict of interest:
    1. Every Institute faculty member and student is required to avoid any perceived or actual conflict of interest.  Thus, while a faculty member is also enrolled as a student in either the PhD or DNP program, s/he must be as deliberate and judicious as possible in separating the role of student from that of faculty member. 
    2. The faculty member must refrain from voting or participating in any decision-making about students in the same doctoral program; must select voluntary faculty members (advisers) from outside the Institute to the fullest extent possible; and must not engage current Institute colleagues in any formal or evaluative advisory capacity of his or her work in the program. When in doubt about any perceived or real conflict, the faculty member should always seek counsel from the Director of the PhD or DNP program, who will provide the final determination on a case –by-case basis.
    3. Faculty members enrolled in the PhD or DNP program are prohibited from participation in meetings, discussion, voting or any activity related to the doctoral program.
    4. Faculty members enrolled in the PhD or DNP program must also remove themselves from any faculty role that conflicts with their student role, including governance activities (e.g. serving on committees or voting on curriculum changes for the PhD or DNP programs).
    5. These conflict of interest policies do not apply to enrolled individuals as they make decisions about the entry-level doctoral programs or non-terminal degree programs of the Institute. For example, a physical therapy faculty member enrolled in the PhD program could participate fully in the DPT curriculum, admissions, and other key faculty roles related to the entry-level Physical Therapy program, or the master’s program. This would similarly apply to the MS program in CSD, the entry-level OTD program, and the ABSN or master’s degree program in Nursing.  
    6. Similarly, these policies do NOT apply to the Institute’s certificate programs or to the MS in Health Professions Education.  A separate procedure for faculty members applying to the MS in Health Professions Education is outlined on the Intranet.
  4. Responsibilities and agreements by the faculty member who is a student of the Institute:
    1. Scheduling and planning
      1. All faculty members who take advantage of this benefit must be in continuous discussion between their immediate supervisor, their dean, and the Director of the PhD program about any planned changes in their schedule, any conflicts that emerge, or any other situation affecting either the PhD program or their respective academic unit.
      2. No less than once per academic year, as part of their annual review, the individual faculty member should report his or her progress toward completion, anticipated schedule (highlighting any requested changes), and their expected completion date. Continued successful progress in the program, will be a requirement for continuation of IHP funding.
    2. Faculty members who use this benefit are subject to any federal or state tax requirements associated with the benefit. 
    3. Faculty members who use this benefit are expected to provide an additional year of service (after program completion) for each year of funding that they receive toward the degree. This requirement may be waived by their dean or center director, in special circumstances. 


Approved by Executive Council: Dec. 18, 2012