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HA&P1-Sci Prerequisite Anat Phys 1
HA-P2-Sci Prerequisite Anat Phys 2
HBIO - Sci-Prerequisite Biology
HCD - Communication Sciences and Disorders Prerequisite
HCHEM - Sci Prerequisite Chemistry
HEXPH - Sci Prerequisite Excers Phys
HMBIO - Sci Prerequisite Microbiology
HNUTR - Sci Prerequisite Nutrition
HPHYSIC - Sci Prerequisite Physics
HPSYCH - Sci Prerequisite Psychology
HSTATS - Sci Prerequisite Statistics
GC - Genetic Counseling
HE - Health Professions Education
HP - Interprofessional
CD - Communication Sciences and Disorders
CH - Communication Sciences and Disorders Multidisciplinary
DNH - Nursing DNP Multidisciplinary
DNP - Nursing DNP Advanced
DNS - Nursing DNP
NE - NU Educator Only
NH - Nursing Multidisciplinary
NP - Nursing Advanced Practice
NS - Nursing BSN
NS - Nursing Generalist Level
OT - Occupational Therapy
OH - Occupational Therapy Multidisciplinary
PA - Physician Assistant Studies
PH - Physical Therapy Multidisciplinary
PT - Physical Therapy
RS - Rehabilitation Sciences PhD
HRS - Rehabilitation Sciences PhD Multidisciplinary
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» PT - Physical Therapy
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PT - Physical Therapy
PT 601 Clinical Management I
PT 601N Fund Pt/Client Management 1
PT 602 Clinical Management II
PT 602N Fund Pt/Client Management 2
PT 603 International Clinical Management III
PT 603N Fund Pt/Client Management 3
PT 604N Pt/Client Mgmnt: CVP 1
PT 605 Cardiopulmonary Clinical Lab
PT 605N Pt/Client Mgmnt: CVP 2
PT 606 Professional Socialization
PT 606N Pt/Client Mgmnt: Upper Extrem
PT 607N Pt/Client Mgmnt: LE/Gait
PT 608N Pt/Client Mgmnt: Head Neck
PT 620 Gross Anatomy
PT 622 Functional Anatomy
PT 623 Clinical Neuroscience I
PT 624 Clinical Neuroscience II
PT 625 Clin Persp in Hlth Policy
PT 626 Principles of Teach & Learn
PT 640 Clinical Pathophysiology
PT 641 Musc/Skel Pathophysiology
PT 642 Exam & Treatment of Upper/Lower Extremity Dysfunction
PT 643 Exam & Treatment of Neurological Disorders
PT 644 Concepts of Motor Control
PT 651 Critical Inquiry I
PT 652 Critical Inquiry II
PT 654 Critical Inquiry I: Des, Stat,
PT 657 Teaching Procedural Interventi
PT 659 Therapeutic Exercise Lab
PT 661 Clinical Seminar & Practicum I
PT 662 Clinical Seminar & Pract II
PT 665 Practicum: PT Center
PT 670 Fundamentals of PT Practice
PT 671 Clinical Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders: Extremities
PT 672 Clinical Management of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Disorders
PT 673 Orthotics
PT 675 Comprehensive Case
PT 676 Clinical Experience I
PT 677 Clinical Remediation
PT 684 Crit Inq II: Des, Stats, Meas
PT 700 Cardiopulmonary Clinical Lab
PT 709N Pt/Client Mgmnt: Hip Lumbopelv
PT 710N PT/Client Mgmt: SCI & Amp
PT 711N Pt/Client Mgmt: Acq Brain Dys
PT 712N PT/Client Mgmnt: Balance
PT 713N PT/Client Mgmt: Degen/Lifespan
PT 723 Clinical Neuroscience III
PT 724 Clinical Neuroscience IV
PT 725 Medical Management of Patients with Neurologic Disorders
PT 727 Psych of Disability & Illness
PT 730 Practice Management
PT 740 Meas Principles for PT Pract
PT 741 Prin: Evidence Based Pract
PT 741N Clinical Experience I
PT 741NA Clinical Experience I
PT 742N Clinical Experience II
PT 742NA Clinical Experience II
PT 754 Exam & Treat of Up&Low Extr
PT 755 Found Clin Assess in PT
PT 757 Therap. Exc. for Older Adult
PT 761 Clinical Seminar & Pract III
PT 762 Clin Sem & Pract IV
PT 765 Clinical Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders: Spine
PT 766 Clinical Management of Neuromuscular Disorders I
PT 767 Clinical Management of Neuromuscular Disorders II
PT 768 Prosthetics
PT 769 Clinical Management of Patients with Multisystem Involvement
PT 770 Clinical Experience II
PT 771 Cardiopulmonary Clinical Lab
PT 772 Special Topics
PT 773 Therapeutic Exercise: Advanced Principles and Practice
PT 777 Foundations of Diagnostic Screening
PT 778 Comprehensive Case Study
PT 780 Clinical Internship
PT 781 Internship Continuation
PT 785 Diagnostic Screening for PT's
PT 786 Comprehensive Case Analysis
PT 791 Dev of Hlth Promot Programs
PT 792 Health Promotion Project
PT 793 Health Promotion Presentation
PT 899-05 Center Practicum
PT 814N Pt/Client Mgmt: Contxt Factors
PT 815N Pt/Client Mgmt: Pol Pract Lead
PT 825 PT Practice Issues in the US
PT 831N PT Management of Pediatric Patients
PT 832N Physical Therapist Practice in Sports Medicine
PT 833N Comprehensive Spine Care
PT 834N Current Concepts in Vestibular Rehabilitation
PT 835N Current Concepts in Vestibular Rehabilitation
PT 836N Anatomy
PT 837N Clinical Experience in the PT Center
PT 839N Utilizing Strength and Conditioning Principles in Physical Therapy
PT 843N Clinical Internship
PT 845 Clin Res in Orthopaedic Pt
PT 850A Capstone Initiation
PT 850B Capstone Continuation
PT 850N Capstone Completion
PT 855 Clinical Decision-Making
PT 861 Sem on Trtmnt App to Neuro Imp
PT 862 Concepts of Assmnt in Neuro Pt
PT 863 Ther Exer: Adv Prin & Prac
PT 864 Treat of Lumbopel&Cervicothor
PT 865 Intro to Patient Client Management Frameworks
PT 867 Muscskel Disf:low 1/4 Hip&knee
PT 868 Muscskel Disfunc: Lwr Quarter
PT 869 Muscskel Disfnct: Upper Quart
PT 870 MuscskelDysfnct:cervth/Cranmd
PT 871 Muscskel Disfunct: Lumbopelv
PT 875 Clin Pract/Preceptorshp- PT I
PT 876 Clin Pract/Precept - PT II
PT 880CE Special Topics: IMPACT PT Center
PT 880N Special Topics
PT 885 Adv Seminar in PT
PT 895 Directed Research I
PT 896 Directed Research II
PT 898 Directed Research Continuation
PT 899 Independent Study in PT