Core Courses

All students must take a total of 9 required core courses (total of 33 credits). The core courses include a survey/introductory course on basic concepts in rehabilitation science, three courses in research design and statistics, a course in the use and interpretation of measurement approaches, and a course in basic principles of education as applied to teaching for the health professions. In addition, students are required to register in each of the first 6 terms (first 2 years) for an interdisciplinary seminar in rehabilitation sciences in which ongoing research (by current students and faculty) and current publications, events and trends related to rehabilitation research will be presented and discussed. Students are also required to complete 2 full-time mentored research experiences (3 credits each) in each of the first two summers to total 6 credits. During these summer rotations students will focus on conducting research under the direction of their Research Mentor. Lastly, students will enroll for one term in a mentored Teaching Practicum that is connected with a graduate course in their clinical specialty, typically at the MGH Institute. Waivers of Required Courses

In general, required courses may not be waived or transferred in from courses previously taken at other institutions. However, students may petition to waive a course if they can document that they have met the objectives of a required course in prior experiences or coursework (that was not part of another degree).  For example, the Teaching Practicum course may be waived by petitioning and providing documentation showing the student has met all the course objectives in prior teaching practice or experience. Students must submit a Course Replacement Petition Form at: The decision whether or not to accept the waiver petition will be made by the PhD Program Executive Committee. Interdisciplinary Research Seminar

Students are required to register for and attend a weekly one-hour Interdisciplinary Research Seminar for six (6) consecutive semesters across the first two years of study. Seminar presenters will include IHP faculty, rehabilitation researchers based outside of the IHP, and IHP PhD students. Year 1 and 2 students are required to present an update on their own research each semester. The aims of the seminar for the students are: 1) to expose students to a variety of current research topics and research designs in rehabilitation sciences; 2) to provide an opportunity for student to share their research with the IHP community; 3) to support and provide feedback to students as they develop their own research; 4) to provide a supportive environment for students to hone dissemination/presentation skills; and 5) to provide a forum for and model respectful scholarly discussions. The focus of the student presentations will be on providing an update on the progress they are making in pursuing their own research which could include a review of the current state-of-the-art in a research area, proposed research questions and designs (including potential grant proposals), status of their ongoing research, and/or preliminary or final results of an investigation. Mentored Experience in Research

During each of the summers of Years 1 and 2, all students complete a Mentored Experience in Research (RS-970, 3 credits), which generally involves working on research project(s) under the direction of the Research Mentor. In preparation for the summer term, students and research mentors develop Mentored Experience in Research objectives (goals) and submit these to the Associate Director/Director. It is expected that the objectives will reflect or be aligned with the general research area/direction that the student is ultimately planning to pursue for his/her dissertation. At the end of the summer term, Research Mentors are asked to report the students’ progress toward research objectives and provide a grade (pass/fail) to the Associate Director/Director. Mentored Experience in Research objectives and the work associated with meeting objectives are distinct from Independent Studies (RS-990). Objectives for these two credited courses do not overlap. Students present their Mentored Experience in Research work at Summer and/or Fall Interdisciplinary Research Seminars.