6. Personnel in Didactic Phase of Program

Director of Academic Education (DAE)

The Director of Academic Education is responsible for coordinating the overall educational process during the didactic year. In this role, the DAE provides continuity and serves as a resource for faculty, course coordinators, term lecturers, and adjunct lecturers. The DAE works with the Program Director, faculty, adjunct and term lecturers, and other instructors to assure that ARC-PA standards for didactic education are met.

Term Lecturers

Term lecturers provide regular instruction during the didactic phase of the Program, which may include, but not be limited to, coordinating and delivering an entire course or large portions of a course.

Adjunct Lecturers

Adjunct lecturers provide intermittent instruction during the didactic phase of the Program in one or more areas of specific expertise.

Course Coordinators

Course Coordinators are core Program faculty who are responsible for the overall organization and delivery of assigned courses. They may teach some or all of the material and coordinate term or adjunct lecturers to ensure course objectives are being met. They will be present during all of the sessions in which NEW adjunct lecturers are teaching, are responsible for the logistics of getting all adjuncts set-up for their class session and administering the RAP on the day of class

Program Manager

The Program Manager provides logistical and administrative support for the Program administration and faculty.

Graduate/Teaching Assistants

While students may serve as graduate or teaching assistants within the program, they cannot at any time substitute for or act as principle instructional faculty.